Please introduce a way to view total spend - individually, within the group and in total. Currently the app does not help track expenses.
A basic version of this feature (“View group totals”) is now on all platforms: iPhone, Android, and web! You can also analyze more details group totals by exporting your group expenses to a spreadsheet, which is also available on all platforms.
We hope to keep improving this feature over time, so feel free to make suggestions below. Thanks!
PhaNi Gubbala commented
Can you improve the app so that when ever I select some expenses it shows the total amount spent for all those selected expenses. If its a shared bill it has to add only my share of the expense.
Anonymous commented
+1. That would be very useful.
Mar Serra commented
it doesn't work properly in the app..
Abinash Panda commented
it's really great feature that is present on desktop version. it would be really nice to have it on the mobile app as well.
Aravind commented
I think there should be an option on every group for "TOTAL EXPENSES INCURRED"
charan8790 commented
it would be great to see my monthly expenditure. .
Vitta commented
Personal expenditure tab : which shows all expenditures combined from all groups
Money view app integration also -
Rony Gregory commented
Total expenditure is missing the charts section. And overall, the charts section us lacking very much in comparison to say, Buxfer.
Rohan Gandhi commented
I need to see a simple report for each individual involved in a group showing how much each of them has spent in total.
Kanthi Kiran commented
As of now we are not able to view the reports in mobile app such as how much we spent in a particular group or category. By having that feature we will be able to track how much we have spent for a particular month easily without going to web for getting the summary.
For example, if we add a new group for a Trip it would be helpful to know how much we have spent and budget accordingly.
Also please include a budget option as well. Say if we set a budget amount for a trip and the app notifies if it's exceeding the budget limit.
If this is included into the mobile app, it would be an amazing experience to use splitwise for trips with friends.
Abraham Magán Delgado commented
Average expenses.
Deependra Tomar commented
Brief reports & read contact
Anonymous commented
provide total spend by each member and total expenses of the trip so that we will know how much we have spend for the particular trip or group
Philipp Leufke commented
There should be an easy way to show the total spendings of a group in a certain time frame, e.g. for a holiday or so.
Of course the math can be done manually or with the CSV export, but an easier way would be welcome -
Hemant Yadav commented
usually groups are created for some holiday trip, or something similar. most of the time, it is required to know, how much in total was spent in the trip. please show the total amount also that was spent by every one in the group.
Chinmay Gore commented
Currently no way to know how much did I spend in total. This is a must have feature for pocket management app.
Bhavesh Parmar commented
Total expense of the trip is not available we have to manually calculate. It will help us how much we have spend in total in a trip.
Prakash commented
I would love to know how much we are spending in a month. so that it will easy for us to understand our expenses every month.
Ganapati commented
you should have an option to show the total expense per person in a group. It will be helpful to know how much we spent in short trips. Currently this option is not available and hence it is little difficult to get the total expenses of a trip,which will be of good help to compare our budget and expenses.
Anna commented
I would like to ask if the exported data can be used to track expenses as well, in addition to who owes who how much.
For example if I pay $10 during a trip for a meal and shared equally, could we also have a metric in the exported data that we each spent $5 and the column tabulated? Currently it is just me $5 and partner -$5, which is useful for settling shared expenses, but doesn't give much value add in knowing our total expense (especially for trips). Since we already put in much effort to faithfully input all expenses, would be great if we could see total expenditure as well.
So in line with that thought, would be great if the expenditure input part can allow me to easily input that the expense was paid by both and shared equally. It doesn't contribute to any shared expenses, but would let us easily track all expenses (especially for trips). Right now I would need to input the exact dollar paid by each person to give an even split.
Lastly, it seems we can see expenditure trends in the desktop interface. However can we also have the option of by month/ all time? As in the case of trips I'm not really interested to break it down by month, i would like to see it as a whole.
As you probably can tell, I've been trying to use split wise for a trip! :)