import contact no from contacts for inviting

For US users, the mobile app imports phone numbers and allows you to invite friends with those phone numbers. Outside the US, we do not automatically import phone numbers, as we’ve found there’s a very high failure rate with sending international SMS messages (lots of people fail to include their country code in the number, or enter a phone number that cannot receive SMS messages).
Akshay Mane commented
why is this difficult for other countries?
for eg in India country code is fixed +91
now every time when someone asks for contact no i just need 10 digit no.
so for inviting if you could just read contact list and copy no into text box (which I can still edit) before sending message, mail invite
Dajo commented
atleast make the number visible so that we can type it . or make it come in the console. so that we can edit to add country code. its difficult now to either memorise it or write it somewhere and input while inviting .