add a draft saving option,so that we can just save the expense in draft and post it when we wanted.

Thanks for the suggestion! Draft expenses aren’t in our plans yet, but I can see how they’d be useful. I’ll pass on the suggestion and add it to our list of possible features for the future.
Gabriel M commented
I would like to schedule a bill entry so that my friends arent notified at the exact time I enter the bill.
Blake Sorrell commented
On iPad if you click away or open another app your progress is lost.
Harpreet commented
Let's get it done sooner than later please? I see people have been wanting this since 2014!
Anonymous commented
Is there a way to enter an ESTIMATED expense? for my purpose there are expenses we know ahead of time and we like to estimate total costs and split ahead of time, but in the app it seems I am forced to select a payer. This would be awesome. Thanks.
Sankalp commented
Ability to draft expenses as private rather than directly saving it into the group.This will give second chance to review & discu
saurabh9 commented
It will be very helpful to be able to mark a group as draft or inactive, so that it does not contribute to balances in any calculation outside the group.
As an example scenario, me and my friends have a big trip coming up in 6 months. Some of us have started making bookings of hotels etc. We would like to add those in splitwise for future reference, but we know that we will settle it only after the trip as a lot of expenses might be hold charges from hotel etc. and things and people to be split may change in the next 6 months. Till then, we do not want that group to show us pending balances on the dashboard, or on friends page etc. so that people do not accidently transfer each other money to balance those dues amogst each other.I just need this group to keep track of the espenses till my trip actually happen, before it starts showing up the balance dues and merges the dues acorss the friends.
San Saw commented
I found that others have e asked for this feature as well. Am ok to closing this. thanks.
San Saw commented
do not credit or debit unless item is finalized
Mike commented
When I get a bill but don't want to post it right now, I can save it as a draft.