Add email confirmation
After lots of confusion over why Splitwise was not working, and why my online account did not match my phone, I realized my email account in Splitwise on my phone had a typo, so all funds sent to me was going nowhere. You should require email confirmation on the mobile app! Security concern!! It should also be possible to have multiple emails associated, i.e. One account email and another associated with a paypal account.

Very sorry for the trouble!! I know in the past we’ve tried to keep registration as lightweight as possible, since many people use Splitwise very casually, but I can imagine how confusing it’d be to have payments sent to a wrong address. I’ll pass on your suggestion at our next planning meeting.
Nirali Kotak commented
my friends were not able to add my was wrong and there was no phone number but still i was usi g splitwise by adding them for expenses myself. I also forgot my password which it is asking to add phone number or edit the email id. so now once i have logged out I won't be able to get back to all my expenses captured...
Santhosh commented
Some one else used by email account before I started using SplitWise. I am not able to recover it completely, as I cannot delete unkown friends, exit from unknown groups now. My history is mixed.
This is a SECURITY issue, and shouldn't wait on user voice vote due to Survival bias.
It's critical to verify account, phone ownership, and not get tempted to skip these steps to reduce user friction or optimize for which every short sighted metrics you guys were tracking!