UI design tweak - "Are you sure?" confirmation popup before discarding yet-to-be-added bills.
I click "Add a bill", start filling up the details. I accidentally click "Esc", which discards the popup in its entirety with all the details I filled (especially sad when this happens for Itemized bills).
A simple popup "This bill hasn't been added yet, are you sure you want to discard?" would be a much loved (at least by me :))

Oh no, sorry for the trouble! I can definitely see how this would prevent some accidents :) I’ll add it to our list of possible web improvements – I don’t think we’re planning much web work in the very near future, but hopefully soon!
JEWEL JACOB commented
Any update on this feature?
dcrossman101 commented
Il arrive par erreur que nous cliquons hors de la fenêtre de partage de la dépense. La saisie s'annule et nous devons recommencer la saisie de la dépense grrr! Pop up d'un message du genre : Voulez-vous réellement annuler l'écriture de cette dépense? Oui - Non.
Ben sûr que non ! -> bouton Enregistrer, Ouf! réussi.
Anonymous commented
If you click outside of the small window in which you enter and split expenses, it will close without saving whatever you've entered. So if you are manually entering a lengthy receipt, one stray click will cause you to loose all your progress and start over.
Anonymous commented
I use Splitwise on my iPad frequently, and it’s so easy to accidentally miss the tiny “save” and “done” buttons in the expense window. If you accidentally tap outside the window, all progress is lost, and it is so so frustrating.
I think at the very least you could disable the click outside to close feature, but even better would be to auto-save a draft in case you exit before finishing.
João Rodrigues commented
I constantly lose the notes/values/split-config of a modal because any action outside the window makes it lose focus and close without warning. Even a drag-select inside the modal that by chance is button-up'ed on the outside, such as selecting text in a textarea.
Vinaykumar commented
It will be great if Popup is static and onlt closes if i press close button or icon, First time when i used this i didnt add any users or group , i started filling details iam almost done and unfortunately i pressed a key which is out of scope of popup so popup went away it wont save so my data is lost, So My suggestion is to keep backdrop: 'static' in Pop up code so user wont loose this data
Carlos Fonseca commented
Yes please! Just had this happen to me twice while trying to add the same bill… I do ESC to quit Spotlight after doing some math with discounts before adding it to the itemised bill… :(