Auto-genereated "Settle up balances" transation should be "Payment" not "General"
When I settle up balances with a friend, the corresponding transactions get added in the groups where me and respective friend is part of. This auto-generated entry is marked with category "General" . Instead of that it should be marked as "Payment". So, it would help in tracking my expenses with category.

Sorry for the trouble! We’d definitely like to improve the way “Settle all balances” works – I’ll pass on this suggestion and see if it’s something we can fix when we work on improving our settling up stuff.
Akshay Vijaykumar commented
Make 'Settle your balances' a separate category. This would help visualize expenses better. Additionally, display the total expense column in the 'Charts' feature available for premium users. When I try to view my total expense in a group, I'd usually like to see a total for only my share of expenses.
Ram Das Diwakaran commented
Supposing there are two people - person1 & person2, and they are part of two groups say group1 & group2. Person1 owes person2 a finite amount of money in each of the groups. There's a problem in settling up.Case 1:
Person1 goes into individual groups and settles up. In this case, in each group, an entry is made saying "Person2 _received_ $xx from person1." Here, it means this is recorded as a payment against an already existing amount owed. This is fine.Case 2:
Person1 does "settle all balances" with person2, from the overview of the app. In this case, it creates an entry in each group which reads "Person2 _owes_ $xx to person1." The difference in this case is that, this transaction is added as an *extra expense*. Even though the balances settle up, the group totals and the "your share" part goes up by $xx, in the group. This doesn't happen is case #1.I think the final behavior in case#2 should also be similar to case#1. Looks like a bug? Please check.
Anirudha Kumar commented
Including these double counts and also messes up with the distribution.