send out a bit of details while simplifying debts.
bravo for all your efforts team! we have been using the app for a long period of time now. A couple weeks back you guys introduced a logic that would simplify/adjustdebts accordingly. While most of auch simplifications are trivial, some are not! And the intimation mail only mentions that splitwise has adjusted debts, I request you guys to add a set of details in the same mail, which may include who all were included and before/after of debt amouts. I am also a developer, I guess this would not be a hefty change ;-) Thanks guys, keep rocking!

Thanks for the suggestion! We’d love to include better details when simplifying debts, but it’s actually surprisingly hard to show those details in an intelligent way :) The math is very simple, but we’ve found that showing the complete data often confuses people – especially in very old groups, where the “unsimplified” totals might include thousands of dollars of payments to each other (which all cancel each other out).
Still, we definitely want to show more information! Hopefully we’ll be able to try a few new designs this year and find something that works. Until then, apologies for the inconvenience!
Michael McNaught commented
Would be helpful if there were descriptive tags that went along with simplified debts - just to show where the number is coming from.
I.e., if A owes B $12 for utilities, and B owes A $14 for drinks, splitwise will just say that B owes A $2. However, with many bills operating among half a dozen house mates, it can become difficult to trace back where the $2 is coming from. So if, when you rolled over the debt, it included some kind of information about the initial bills, it would make things a lot easier to decipher.