Touch ID for security with optional passcode
Introduce Touch ID for security with optional passcode

Update: this is now available on iPhone. To enable, go to the Me tab and click on Passcode. Once you’ve added a passcode, you will be able to use Touch ID or the passcode to unlock the app.
Yep, great idea, it’s on our list of cool things we’d love to do :) Thanks for submitting.
- Jon
César Oltra commented
Incorporar Touch ID como medida de seguridad
Nidhin David commented
Modern phones support fingerprint reader and fingerprint authentication. So use that instead of typing in passcode, though passcode can be also used. User can choose the default.
Bappaditya commented
Can we include Touch ID for an extra security layer while opening the expense report for the first time in a day or so.
Daliso Joshua Ngoma commented
Dhaval commented
You should enable Touch ID support while Opening Splitwise.
Dhaval commented
Allow Touch when we Open this app & during posting new/changing any Expense.
Dhavan Kumar commented
Required by financial apps like this
Anurag commented
Plz add asap