Settling up in multiple currencies
If you have debts in multiple currencies you can't see how much you owe if the debt go beyond two lines. You also cannot chose what order you want to settle up currencies. This is inconvenient.
Both mobile platforms should now display balances in multiple currencies more completely and should show more options when settling up to handle these cases.
[Deleted User] commented
If there are multiple currencies used, ********* only shows one currency as total owed/lent money for one person in Balances. For example I owe $50 and €20, and ********* shows that I owe $50 only. It would be incorrect to settle payments based on this summary.
And it's not even consistent, in my current plan some people's summary is shown in one currency, others' in another.
Antonio Nobre commented
You should be able to decide in wich currency you want to see the running total, regardless of the currencies selected on different items.