Additional factors in the rent calculator
Adding if the room has a strong, moderate or weak wifi signal.
Adding a fourth component in the closet category as "walk in closet" since you can have an awesome closet that is enormous and can step into, and then there is an actual walk in closet.
Adding parking as an optional component.
My main suggestion - Adding a compensatory component if there is one person who is finding the place, finding the roommates, etc. It is a lot of work and energy to find new roommates, handle the legal aspects of the lease ahead of time, provide the time to patiently walk through all of the details with each possible roommate, often be the liaison to the apartments' management, and being the person who feels responsible for others settling in well. That time and energy is money that person is losing from work or their sanity, and while it is mainly with the purpose of not paying for additional rooms and paying less than they would in a one bedroom (and therefore clearly is in their best interest as well), it can be a factor in their minds when rent is initially posted by them. If the rent calculator's intent is to mitigate the various issues that arise from roommate disputes over what is fair in paying rent, then I would hope it would be a suggestion at least worth considering.
Thank you for your time!

Thanks for your feedback! These are good ideas for making the rent calc more comprehensive. I will bring them up next time we talk about enriching it. We haven’t updated them since release and are aware they need a little love :)
Cheers, Zoe
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