Sort friends tab
Make it possible to sort the friends tab so you get friends with own/owned amounts at the top

Update: both mobile apps now have filters at the top of the friends/groups list that allow you to only show people who owe you or people you owe.
Thanks for the suggestion – I can see how this would be useful! Right now, you should be able to do this on the dashboard page of our website, but unfortunately there’s no way to do it in our mobile apps yet. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Harald Vogl commented
friends are sorted in Order of adding. that is Not useful, they should be sorted in Order of using often or individual. or maybe create a hand full of favorites that appear on top
Treezy commented
You'd first have all the friends you owe money, then the ones who owe me. After that, the rest.
The current alphabetical order doesnt really make sense, and should be optional. -
Stef commented
Organized friends and or groups, so you can drag most used to the top. Now newest members that aren't necessarily very active are always on top.