Google Android Pay
This should be integrated and is more secure then Venmo.

Android Pay does not currently allow person-to-person money transfers – it’s primarily meant for paying businesses and merchants. If Android Pay or Google Wallet starts to allow free person-to-person money transfers via an API, then we’d definitely be happy to look at adding them as a payment option.
Anonymous commented
Integrate Gpay. It is much more secure than Venmo.
Apart from huge following in India it is gaining fast in USA.And unlike the previous iterations from Google's payment services, this one does support peer-to-peer transaction.
Payments/ settlements to be routed through app itself
Amlan commented
They do support person to person. Venmo is a dianosour. Move before your competitors.
Kevin Lyles commented
The Google Pay app ( definitely supports person to person payments, not just credit card payments. I use it all the time for that, and would love to have an easy way to open it from Splitwise.
Sean Taber commented
Good morning! I've been using this app for a few years now to help manage expenses with my roommates, and I think it would be a great value add if you were able to integrate with Google Pay. It's currently a bit of a bear to switch between your app and the app I actually make the payments in.
Thank you,
Sarvesh Rahate commented
When you transfer the money through Google Pay it directly debits from your bank account and credits into others bank account which is being accepted more rather than adding money to the paytm wallet and then to bank. In this process time is lost and charges are incurred by paytm too hence causing loss to the customer
Avinash Shenoy commented
One click to request money from people on G Pay
Rahul commented
Google pay is a unified payments interface app made specially for indian market. I generally use google pay to settle my bills because it is a direct bank to bank transfer whereas the existing option paytm is a seperate wallet. Please integrate google pay with splitwise.
Harshad Joshi commented
A much needed feature
ezhilmathy manivannan commented
like paytm please add Google pay and phonepe
Shubham Yadav commented
Available payment method is Paytm only, so new payment app like G Pay and Phone pe should be added to payment methods.
Anurag commented
I live in India in a shared accommodation. Any expense, I can share immediately with friends.
Likes this appication from day 1. Use it on android phone and desktop. Thanks!Sometimes back saw the option of paying back using Paytm. It would be good if GooglePay is also integrated in the Spiltwise app.
Mahind commented
Integrate GPay with the App, similar like paytm. so that we can easily settle up the balances.
Amiya R Swain commented
As you have Paytm as one of the settlement option, please add GPay option for settlement. GPay is a UPI payment mode system from the house of Google.
Shueb Dalvi commented
Google Pay (formerly known as Tez) is an UPI payment app in India allowing person-to-person payments. Integration with this will help in easy payment from within splitwise and settling it up.
Today we have to make payment through Google Pay and manually setup in splitwise.