Bill Share Calculator
Hi guys,
First things first - I love your app/wesbite. It has saved me so much time (and a few disagreements). It's fabulous!
I saw you have a caluclator for fairly calcuating rent. I thought you could add a cacultator that allows you to fairly divvy up bills - I'm currently trying to figure out how much my housemate owes on a bill as she moved in partway during the billing period. I can figure it out by myself, but it would be a lot easier if there was an app or online calculator to do that for me!!
Thanks again :)

Thanks for the suggestion! You might want to check out our travel calculator ( – it only goes up to 14 days, unfortunately, but it’s designed to handle cases where some people are only around for some parts of the month. You could use it as a rough guidelines for your bills (for example, if the new housemate was only around for 1/5th of the month, treat it like a 5-day vacation where he/she was only present for 1 day). Hope that helps!
Michael Le commented
If we can somehow add the "divvy up each night" in the app for certain expenses that would a great feature.
Abhilash commented
simple addition subtraction will help where i can add up some particular items itself and save the expense.. no need to calculate else where.