Reallocate payments upon settling up to minimize transfers between group members
While i love splitwise, when a group is large, the total number of payments needed to settle up becomes unmanageable. We had 13 people in the group and settling up required each person to make payment to or get payment from the other 12 people, resulting in 144 total transfers. In some cases, the amount was less than $1. Instead, if Person A owes Person B and Person B owes Person C, Splitwise should have Person A pay Person C directly as opposed to having two separate payments. This would make the app exponentially better!

So sorry for the trouble – we actually do this already! If you go into your group’s settings and turn on the “simplify debts” option, we’ll automatically reallocate payments to reduce the total number of payments necessary. Hope that helps!
Anonymous commented
This should be the default!
Mat Abramsky commented
Often, one or two of the members of a group are the creditors and the rest are debtors. There should be a way to aggregate payments so that they net off to the fewest # of payments.
We just did a splitwise for our ski trip and it would have had us each making c.6 or 7 payments, when one guy was the biggest creditor and everyone should have just been making net payments to him.