Windows 10 Universal App
Please support Windows 10 by creating an official Splitwise universal app. A universal app is capable of running on ALL Windows 10 devices (desktop PCs, tablets, phone and Xbox) with one single set of code.
There are some Windows 10 universal apps written by third party developers that work with Splitwise. Here are two we’re aware of:
Split It:
We can’t endorse these apps specifically, but you may find them useful.
Nuage Laboratoire commented
Nuage Laboratoire commented
text commented
text commented
Luu Ngoc commented
Hello frieng
Jessica commented
V -
Leca Novo commented
Hahahahaha no no not no no stories no no matter rs
Gildo Neto commented
Just copy this and paste in your Run Window (Windows + R) and press Enter:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --app=
If your Chrome is in another folder, copy the path and switch to the above mentioned
Sagar commented
I request u to allow us to pick up any existing people from group randomly and spit among them instead of creating a new group everytime.
Mark McCormack commented
Mark Mccormack is the best person to talk to about the family
Mark McCormack commented
Mark Mccormack is the best person to talk to about the family
Mark McCormack commented
The best person to talk to about the family is Mark Mccormack
Devendra commented
Hi, Is there any update on Splitwise support Windows 10
Sandeep Reddy commented
can u guys provide faster update.
Varun Agarwal commented
It is a good suggestion. However having a website makes Windows 10 Universal App redundant. Updating on Desktop whether thru app or website is not much different. However an app on Android is important as it gives the freedom to move around. Windows Phone has just 3% market share. Not worth the time and effort.
Nitheesh A commented
Why you guys are avoiding windows mobile platform?
Pleas develop one universal app for windows mobile.
Note: We don't need any third party apps, we need splitwise own app.
Chaitanya commented
We have a 'SPLITTER' app in windows market which created from splitwise API. You can use that
Chirag Sanghvi commented
Well with this many votes it is the highest voted request anyone ever asked of splitwise, please develop an app or even a web wrapper will do
Nitheesh A commented
You can also download this application from store
Sharath G commented
Please provide app for windows mobile.
This will be really helpful.