Three decimals for certain currencies
Please allow 3 decimal currencies to be stored (e.g. Omani Riyal, Kuwaiti Dinar, etc) in Splitwise.

Unfortunately we’ll need to make some technical changes on our backend before we can support 3-decimal currencies, but hopefully this is something we can work on in the future!
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Arletta Morgan commented
The introduction paragraph should hold back the reader. The thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. You may include quotes, questions, or anecdotes in the introduction paragraph. A summary of the work's significance should be included in the first paragraph. In the body of the essay, use a strong, concise thesis statement to explain your main point This statement is important to keep in mind when drafting your paper. For example, you can include the work's author's name in the body of the article.
Arletta Morgan commented
The best literature writing also contains evidences. This may not be necessary in literary analysis, but it will establish a connection between the essay and the evidence. These can be from any text, and can help avoid plagiarism
. This way, you can prove your point without plagiarizing another work. Once you have the evidences, you can write the body of your literature essay. Once you have finished your introduction paragraph, the reader will want to know more about what's coming next. -
Praveen commented
Example 27.10 to be divided into 4 share
It’s suppose to be 6.775 each but in your appFirst two person will have 6.78 and other two will get 6.7
This is not fare calculation
Vinoth Raj commented
i am using Kuwait money, So Third digit is not that much less amount. Please add the option to let me enter Third digit
R Hudson commented
Limiting the number of decimal places to 2, alters the actual amount owed . If 3 decimal places were used for each amount owing, and then the total was rounded when you are paying friends back the final total would be much more accurate.