It is not too difficult for you to help your children. You can use some pointers to give them the homework help they need. A good amount of time should be set aside for working on homework. This could be an after-school activity or right before dinner. Scheduling a time for homework help establishes a routine that should be an easy time for the child to follow. Of course, this works best when you set a time that is comfortable for your child and doesn't involve anything too complicated.
It is not too difficult for you to help your children. You can use some pointers to give them the homework help they need. A good amount of time should be set aside for working on homework. This could be an after-school activity or right before dinner. Scheduling a time for homework help establishes a routine that should be an easy time for the child to follow. Of course, this works best when you set a time that is comfortable for your child and doesn't involve anything too complicated.