80 results found
I am not quite sure if your site has the option to divide unequally shared expenses.
I have designed a code for that. If you would like to add it in the future, I would not mind sharing it. :)
3 votesHey divz – we actually support splitting expenses in all sorts of ways, including by percent, by shares, by itemizing, and more. You can access all these by logging in to Splitwise, clicking the “Add bill” button, entering the bill’s description and cost, and then clicking where it says “Split equally” to adjust the split. Thanks for your offer! :)
Cancelling an Expense Entry
If I have added an expenses. If the bill I entered is split between me and my friend. If my friend removes the entry then only the amount is adjusted. I would suggest that it should notify me first and then ask me if the entry can be deleted. So in short the one who adds the bill is the admin, then the admin must be asked before removing the bill. If this is not done then I do not get to know if any of my friend has eleted an entry.
Also if there are more than 2 people…
1 voteHi Sourabh,
We don’t want to add user permissions to the account. We feel that anyone involved in the bill should be able to fix errors and edit it. We also know this can be problematic in some cases and are planning to do a better job with tracking a history of changes for each bill.
We do have some basic history features on the website (click on the flag in the top bar). We also have notifications you can opt in to for adds, edits and deletes of bills so you can keep track of what’s going on in your account (look in your account settings).
We have had permissions for some things in an earlier version of the app, and found that it was mostly a problem for users instead of a helpful feature.
non-modification of payments / expenses = advance/optional features needed
I understand splitwise's desire to make it "Wiki"-like allow all to make changes/edits. However, it really seems crazy for anyone in a group to be able to delete ALL payments/expenses.
Yes, communal editing can be helpful when incorrect posts are made but this, in my mind, doesn't justify universal access by everyone to make changes. In the event of errors, then the poster should be able to delete or modify them. (I'm sure the poster will be notified of the error if it's identified anyhow)
Conversely, once the payer pays his/her debt, the payer should have an icon (like $…
5 votesUnfortunately, we don’t have plans to change this policy in the near future. We’ve run a variety of tests on different kinds of permissions – restricting edits and deletions, confirming that a payment has been made, etc – and come to the conclusion that more controls of this kind lead to more overall frustration and problems for a greater number of users.
There’s definitely not one right answer to this, and there are some obvious strengths to a more rigid system of permissions, but based on our observations we’ve decided not to go that way for now. We do hope to keep making improvements that (a) make it more obvious when a bill has changed and (b) make it easier to view and revert changes.
I’m really sorry for the trouble! This has been a hard decision for us, and we’re constantly re-evaluating it, but for now at least our…
Need an excel kind of "Whiteboard"
One of the requirements that we came across is to have a tabular whiteboard, so that the weekend shopping items can be logged in. I feel that it would be better to have a tab for plain text and for a grid layout for whiteboard
1 voteWe don’t have plans to expand the whiteboard, unfortunately, as very few people use it. I’m sorry for the inconvenience!
Expenses/Non-Splitwise thru payments approval
I really believe this feature is a must!
I came across some previous similar suggestions .. which were declined on the reason that Dashboard and email notifications about a new expense accomplish the sameDon't you guys realize that whatever you do..any step adding an expense edit it..etc etc "APPROVAL FROM ALL People involved in a Transaction!" is the FINAL Unavoidable it AN EXPENSE OR A CASH PAYMENT
Similarly "Settlement via Cash" needs approval!
5 votesUnfortunately, our answer for this remains the same – we don’t plan to add explicit “approval” for when bills/payments are added, updated, or deleted. We’ve actually tried a feature like this in the past, and the overwhelming feedback was that our users wanted us to get rid of it. For the average person, it’s quite a hassle to manually approve every transaction on Splitwise, and it makes the site very difficult to use unless all of your friends are active users.
As always, you can set your notification settings to be notified any time that something is added or updated. And of course, you are always free to edit or remove expenses that you think were added incorrectly, and to talk out the issue with the involved parties. Sorry for the trouble!
control locks so that people should not delete expense without anybody elses knowledge
Keep a track of changes done and send an email to all related people about the change in expense like delete or edit !!!
2 votesWe don’t currently plan to add permissions for editing/deleting bills, but you can turn on email notifications in your user settings to be notified whenever a bill is updated. Additionally, you can view a record of recent activity in your account at any time by clicking the flag icon in the middle of the top of the screen. (It turns orange when there have been changes in your account since your last visit.)
'Change currency' button when one changes currency
When one changes currency from USD to something else (INR in my case), show a small mini-popup-like thingy, which says "click here if you want to save INR as your default currency for all future transactions". Will save a trip to the settings panel and a dozen of seconds of search.
2 votesWe try to guess the correct currency when you first sign up based on your location and if you were invited by anyone, so I hope this feature isn’t really necessary.
Allow for multipliers in Itemized bills
It would be great if you could add a multiplier/shares for itemized bills. You could probably just add a x1 next to the price and have up/down arrows to make it x2, x3, etc. This would be reaaally usefull when you itemizing but one of your friends had 2 shares or was paying for his/her partner/kids, etc.
I saw that there where some ideas like this already submited.. but they were marked as Under review since almost 1 year ago!
Keep the good work!
1 voteWe’re declining this one for now – it’s a reasonable idea, but itemized bills are only used by a small percentage of our users, and we worry that adding multipliers might make the itemized bill interface more confusing. We may revisit this further down the line, though. Thanks for the suggestion!
Add a way to delete items / Delete history
It would be better if you add the functionality to:
- Delete multiple items from the group
- Delete items on the monthly basis from the group
- Delete History (Clear history)
27 votesWe’ve started adding functionality to the web that will hide expenses whenever a group or friendship hits an overall balance of $0. We’ll likely bring this to the iPhone and Android. We do not plan to add any mass-deletion functionality.
"settle up" button has ambiguous meaning
The use of the "settle up" button to begin a payment is a bit confusing. Perhaps I'm just used to the way Splitwise used to work, but when I think "Settle up", I imagine seeing the list of who owes who. I actually ended up spending quite some time looking for the button to add a payment, before resorting to clicking on suspicious looking buttons and finding it under "settle up". Anyway, I think it would be more straightforward to to have an explicit "record a payment" button, just like the old days.
2 votesWe’ve decided to stick with the Settle up wording in the interface. We’ve seen too much confusion the other way now that you can actually send money via Paypla or Venmo.
Get a logo
The "logo" in the top left corner doesn't make any sense. It's also in the splash screen of the iOS.
I really like the new design, very flat and smooth, but those ugly wide-spaced letters just drive me crazy!
There are many things you could do to improve this. Maybe just a simple sleek font will do the trick.
1 vote -
I would not like to see individual transactions in a group
We friends have created a group, and I observe that I can also view indiviual transactions between other friends. I am aware I can change the settings, but I think even in a group, you should not be able to view a transaction if you are not involved in it
1 voteWe intentionally chose for the expenses in a group to be visible to all members of that group – we’ve found that it makes it easier to fix errors when someone makes a mistake (e.g. someone is accidentally included on or excluded from a bill).
However, you can also add expenses that do not belong to any group, and those expenses will only be visible to the people involved. If you are in a group with many transactions that do not involve you, you may find it useful to get rid of the group entirely, and just add expenses directly with the people involved.
Add Objects
I started planning to build a startup until I saw your app. So, I guess thanks for being really awesome before me!
I'm about to graduate college and I'm realizing that I'm missing many of my things (I loan a lot out). Now, I'm about to not see people for a long time and will probably lose many books. Being able to keep track of some of my objects that I loan out in the same place as my monetary transactions would be coolio.
Andrew6 votesHey Andrew – glad we could help! :) Unfortunately, we probably won’t be adding object-tracking to Splitwise. We’ve thought about it before, and previously we decided that it would complicate the interface too much. We’d rather have Splitwise handle just one thing (money) and handle it super-well.
Hope that makes sense – sorry!
Whiteboard HTML Support
Currently, the Whiteboard will support HTML when you first save it, then when it's reloaded you are left with all the tags. Is there any way to re-encode it before displaying?
2 votesGood catch – but this is actually on purpose :) If we let you save raw HTML to the whiteboard, then you could use it to do bad things to other members of your group, like inserting JavaScript, or just accidentally breaking the layout of the page. For that reason, the whiteboard is saved and displayed as plaintext.
Stop changing your UI
If you guys really think your UI is very cool let me tell you's the most pathetic thing to constantly keep changing UI . Playing around with HTML and CSS does not make your app attractive. Stop changing theme you guys are not a big company like facebook that people will keep using it irrespective of whatever u do.
1 voteThanks so much for your patience and feedback as we improve things.
We try not to update our UI unnecessarily, but in this case, we think it was worth it. The last big change to our interface was almost a year ago (the recent “Add a bill” changes were part of a preview of this release), and since then we’ve spent a lot of time getting feedback from users about what they like, what they don’t like, and what they find confusing.
This new design is an attempt to make things clearer, friendlier, and easier to use, both for new users and existing users. We may have inadvertently made some parts of Splitwise harder to use, and if so, we apologize – if you have specific issues, we’re always happy to hear about them and see if there is a way to address them.
Thanks again for your patience –…
Not let peope in a group who where not involve access to modify a bill
I don't think that people that where not involved in a bill (even in the same group) should be able to modify it. Also, since everybody can modify anything, it would be good if you kept a log of transactions, ie: " John changed the total from X to Y"
1 voteWe allow members of a group to edit all bills in that group because we think it makes it easier for people to correct problems and fix other people’s mistakes. We think this is pretty important – otherwise, it can be a huge hassle when one person accidentally enters something incorrectly.
You can see a record of recent changes in your account by visiting, or by clicking the flag icon in the middle of the top of the page (in the green navigation bar).
Please bring back the older color
The older color looked better. It was dark, this is very gaudy and shiny!!
1 voteSorry you don’t like the new colors! We are planning to keep them, though. It’s definitely a lot different than the old Splitwise, but we hope the change will grow on you with time.
The right panel is too big
The right panel is too big and the main (center) panel looks constrained in the new layout. And the reduction is size of display images is not good.
It would be good if you reduce the right panel size and the center panel can also be broadened.1 voteWe spent a lot of time testing the right sidebar on different users, and in the end we think it’s an improvement for most people. We’ll definitely be making design tweaks over the next few months to both the list of balances and the right sidebar, but the overall size of those two items will probably stay the same. Sorry!
user_name id tag in Account Settings page is causing problem
This is a technical issue.
On this page there is text box to show the name of the user, its id is user_name, this is causing problem with addons like LastPass. They are auto filling it with email address.Kindly rename the id to something other than this.
1 voteHey Pratik – this sounds like a configuration error with LastPass. Changing the field’s ID would require us to override a bunch of default Ruby on Rails logic for handling input fields. Sorry for the trouble!
Revert to old color scheme
New color scheme doesn't look good to me. Please revert back to old one.
4 votesSorry you don’t like the new colors! We are planning to keep them, though. It’s definitely a lot different than the old Splitwise, but we hope the change will grow on you with time.