750 results found
Record Individual Payments
I wish your app would specify what I owe money for.
Example: Dominique owes $71.82 for PG&E
I appreciate that Splitwise tries to even everything out but I would like to see itemized what I owe.
5 votesWe’re working on some ideas on how to make it clearer why you owe what you owe – we know it could be improved. Itemization is actually surprisingly tricky, but it’s definitely an option and one that we’re looking into.
3 votes
Sending a reminder to the entire group makes sense, and we’re planning on adding push notifications at some point (though probably not text message notifications). Thanks for the suggestions!
Triple Occupancy!
Rooms in my area are frequently shared by 3 people. It would be great if you could add this triple occupancy option to the rent split calculator!
5 votesThanks for the suggestion! We’ll keep this in mind if we update the rent calculator at some point in the future :)
Data Display
I wish there was a way to see all the charges for one person over the past year that they have had to pay. Like, if one roommate gave me $50, then I could see $50, and then the successive bills added, which would take away from the $50. So I could see the build up and succession of payments and bills. I remember at some point, I could see a line graph of what one person owed so see how each bill affected how much they owed at a certain time. I can't seem to do that in the…
2 votesWe’ve talked about a feature like this – just haven’t gotten around to it yet! Thanks for the suggestion :)
See who owes who in App
It's annoying to see you still owe someone some money but cant remember what is it about. The app should be able to breakdown who owes who like the one on the website, including the ability to choose to simplify the total money or not.
1 voteCan you be more specific about which breakdown you are referring to? (screenshot would be awesome).
List view for past expenses
I would love to see a list view of all past individual transactions for each individual in our group, rather than only the graph view currently displayed.
3 votesWe’ll be adding search to the all expenses list soon which might fill this need.
add a feature
- to import from with groups,friends ad their expenses.
1 voteIf we get enough votes, we’ll look into this.
Integrate with GoCardless for Payments
It would be great to avoid the pain and frustration of paypal and just link my GoCardless account with Splitwise so people could pay me via the app or a simple GoCardless URL
They ( offer really simple payments with a 1% transaction charge up to a maximum of £2.
Their API is fantastic, very well documented and I think it would be very simple to integrate with.
6 votesWe don’t currently have plans to integrate with payment providers beyond PayPal, but we will consider additional integrations based on user interest.
Have an easy way to enter multiple payments
I wish there was an easy way to record multiple payments (e.g. everyone in the group pays $500 to Michael)
1 vote -
Can you add a note taking option which is related to any expense but as of now not needed to added.
Like this month I forget to add a expense and the account is already settled for current month. As of now I don't want to add anything but want to keep a note of that, so start of next month I will add it and additionally keeping several other reminders which need to be covered in coming months. But that should only be view-able to me and not other users.
1 voteWe’re not currently planning to add personal notes to the app, though if this gets enough votes, we’ll probably do it. You can add an expense with the date set in the future for the specific case you have (it still shows up in the current balances, but is in the future).
allow for multimonth spending analysis
pull metrics from multiple months of spening
1 voteI think this would be extremely helpful for people, and something I’d love to see done in the future. I’ll bring it up with our team and see when we can fit it on the schedule.
have a bar chart on total balance per person
The bar chart should show one bar showing total balance for all bills/ payments recorded for some period of time. The bills and payments should include both group and individual expenses for each friend. its really difficult to figure out wat was the total amount owed and how it got there.
8 votesI could see how showing a graph like that being helpful for easy readability.
We’re actively working towards making our groups and relationships work better together and easier to manage. I’ll bring this up with the team and see if/when it can be added to the schedule.
Payments need proper highlight
I see the payments part unclear and almost invisible. Rather payments should be more highlights with some green LEDs if possible. Also I feel they should be right aligned and shown in negative values as in Bank statements.
1 voteI can see how this type of view would be helpful and easy to read. We’re always looking at ways to improve our users experience. I’ll bring this up with the team at our next company meeting and see if it’s something we can get on the schedule.
Leader and Slacker board
It would be nice to see who's been taking the heat and who's been slacking throughout the month and throughout the year. A graph to depict that would be awesome. this is typically helpful when people don't settle up when they are supposed to. Time value for money... etc.1 voteI think this is awesome. There’s nothing like shame to quickly make people pony up the money they owe! This is something that I’ll talk with my teammates and see if it’s something we can fit on the schedule.
Add friend of friends as your friends
It is possible that we may have common friends between multiple people who have not yet been added in our friend. It'll be easier to add a friend from our friend's friend list
4 votesThis in an interesting idea, and one I could see being helpful when trying to add friends on the fly.
Set expense/bill priority.
It would be great to be able to set certain expenses by priority. For example, some household utility bills need to be paid ASAP, where as beer money, and some misc. expenses are not so urgent.
If you could set a priority to bills, then it may be possible to see which bills need to be payed asap, and which ones can wait a while.
This feature is very handy for people that have to be tight with money and can pay only what they have to first.
1 votePutting priority on bills is a great idea. We are moving towards being able to apply payments to specific expenses for better tracking, but I like the idea of visibly showing which ones need to get paid vs the not as important drug store run. I’ll bring it up with my teammates and see if it/when it’s something we can get on our schedule.
"equal share" option can exclude old house mates without removing them from group
I live in a co-op house with 6 housemates and 10 older house mates. Some still visit but most are no longer living with us. The number of older housemates keeps growing over time, and sometimes we add friends to splitwise to balance all sorts of expenses.
When I add an expense and select "share equally" I want it to charge only the active housemates. What happens is that it selects ALL the people in the group, and I need to manually uncheck them off until I have the group I desire. It would help if I could define a…
11 votesI like the idea of the “sub-group” and see how it could be useful when it comes to bigger groups like that. I’ll bring this up at our next meeting and see if it’s something we can put on the schedule.
allow us to save the "Settle up" "Simplify debts" summary as a PDF.
The "Simplify debts" works great and is what i'd like to email to the group rather than the full summary PDF.
4 votesThis is an interesting proposal, and one I could see useful with people inside the groups. I’ll talk with my co workers at our next meeting to see if/when we can get that on our road map.
Hi, I have been using splitwise for a while and provided comments previously as well.
I have recommended this site to my friend in my apartment and we are all using it. Recently, we are around 8 family have gone for trip and while dividing our expenses, we thought it would be good if it was in this way. And listing our thoughts here..
there should be a way to create sub-group or instance under Group and have only people involved. We have a group "BIGELOW" which is our apartment name and a lot of people part of it. But…
1 voteThese are some great suggestions. I’ve heard a few people ask for the “sub group” recently, and it’s something I think would be helpful too. It’s something we’ll be discussing at our next company meeting. The dashboard is something we’re planning on having a big redo on in the future to show more information about your entire account.
have option to display debt to individuals instead of to group when viewing groups
I wanted to use groups but it fell apart because it didn't display the total debt for people. Since I imported all of my info from billmonk for this group, groups became totally worthless. Now it is troublesome to assign a debt to a group of people.
4 votesHey! we love feedback, I hope your Uservoice name is for another company:)
You can currently see the total debt of an individual (including the groups they are involved in) on their friendship tab. I could see that having that information in the group (or the ability to switch views within a group) would be neat. I’ll bring this up with my co workers at our next meeting and see if they think this is something we want to do.