376 results found
not block users without a supported browser.
I am trying to access this website from work and they are slow at updating things... They are still using old IE6. You can be like the rest of the internet and maybe have a message saying to upgrade but don't block out the site becausemy browser is not up to date. It's like saying I can't enter a coffee shop if I don't have a specific hat on. Yes the site may not work with the old browser but at least let me see that for myself.
1 voteI’m sorry you’re stuck on an older browser. Unfortunately, our site uses modern enough code that it really doesn’t work on IE 6 and 7. I don’t mean looks bad and is hard to use, but just completely broken. It’s more saying you can’t enter a coffee shop because it’s on fire.
I know this is a pretty terrible answer, but getting our site to anything close to working on IE 6 would increase our development time by at least 40%.
Eliminate useless options in IOU and Record Payment options.
When I change the person paying to one name, the other box must not contain the same name. Based on the situation it must change. Usually the best guess is to swap.
3 votesWe’ve changed our design to avoid this issue. You should now only see reasonable options for 1-on-1 IOUs and payments.
Have something more to fill up your page.
There is a lot of white space on the page. I suggest that you have some more colors on the page.
1 voteWe do plan to add some more color to the page, but probably not significantly more than we currently have.
Groups > Pls don't let any of the friend delete or edit a bill that he is not a part of
Suppose a group has 5 friends and i report a payment involving 4 of us except one person. Now the last person who is not a part of the bill has full control to edit/delete the bill i reported. This is not fair. May be he can view the bill as he is a friend/group member and its okay. But edit/delete a bill where you are not a part, is too weird! Or atleast there should be an option for the bill poster to approve/reject the edit/delete performed by one of the friends.
2 votesIn a group, and bill added to the group can be seen and edited by anyone in the group, regardless of if they are involved in the bill or not. This is nice if you have related bills that not everyone is involved in, but might want to see (I might not pay anything on the electrical bill, but it’s important to me that my apartment has electricity).
We keep a detailed list of all changes in the history and anyone in a group can fix a mistake or undo a deleted expense.
You should be able to comment on expenses
My Flatmate added an expense, i would like to comment on this expense, inline on the listing page.
3 votesWe won’t be adding comments inline on the listing page. We do display an icon on the expense if there is a note for it. the main reason is that if we add this style of commenting, we wind up with too much clutter on the main UI for something that we do handle reasonably well already.
Show before-after status in Debt Simplification
After a debt simplification is done, can you please add something that'll show me the math involved. Something like the following would help:
A owes B $30
B owes C $20
C owes A $25After:
A owes B $5
C owes B $51 voteWe are very sensitive about keeping our users info between each other private, so we don’t have plans on giving the details of the simplification out.
If you wanted to see the details of a debt simplification, my suggestion would be to start a group with the people that you use the most on Splitwise. We do give the details of how everything breaks down within a group, because they are public expenses that everyone can see.
dispense with the notion of "groups", except as a shortcut to adding friends to a bill.
I'm not really sure what purpose groups are serving, but really what I want is to be able to say, "add a bill to this group", and have it just open the same screen as it does when I add a bill to a friend, but with all the correct friends for that group already added...
Not sure why groups are managed as a completely separate thing from friends - seems like a group is just a subset of friends.
3 votesWhile we do plan to revisit our groups concept and will be tuning how our groups and friendships interact (it’s definitely not correct in the current UI), the main difference between friends and groups is privacy. In a group, and bill added to the group can be seen by anyone in the group, regardless of if they are involved in the bill or not. This is nice if you have related bills that not everyone is involved in, but might want to see (I might not pay anything on the electrical bill, but it’s important to me that my apartment has electricity).
This also means anyone in the group may add, edit or delete bills for anyone else in the group and balances get shuffled in groups if you turn Simplified Debts on for the group.
The upshot of this is: only set up a group for a set of…
make friend view more detailed.
When viewing a friend in friend view who is also part of a group, it would be great if I could see all the transactions with that friend (including ones in the group) that got me to the balance that I owe them or they owe me.
2 votesWe have included the aggregate total from the group in the friends list, but will not be including individual expenses (causes user confusion about totals in a lot of cases). We will be adding search to the main expense list, so you should be able to see a better idea of expenses there.
have a app that splits up typical house chores evenly!
You should have a section of your site dedicated to splitting up typical chores between housemates!!
6 votesUpdate: We’ve decided dealing with more than just money will add too much clutter and confusion to our app, so will probably not do this.
This is a really neat idea, though I’m not sure how one would be able to put an actual money amount on different chores globally. Chores have different values for people depending on how much they like/hate that task.
We’ve talked about this in the past, and it may be something we decide we’d like to peruse in the future.
borrowing books and other things
Is it possible to implement tracking for things that I lend out( like books, tools, etc.)? Also, some of these borrowers may not be on splitwise. I just want a tracking for myself.
9 votesI can definitely see how this would be useful, but for now, we plan to focus just on balances involving money. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Please provide featire of hiding even contact
please provide feature using which we can hide contact which are even with me
1 voteWe now hide friends who have not had any activity for a while. We probably will not add a feature to let you hide someone specifically.
1 vote
We are constantly working to improve the interface. If you have any specific suggestions, we’d love to hear them!
There is a bug in which one friend can delete bills in which he is not involved. This will delete the payments made made amongst other peopl
Deleting a payment by you in which you are not involved should be disabled.
1 voteI assume this is a bill added in a group and not a bill between two friends (bills between friends can only be changed by people on the bill). Anything added to a group can be edited and viewed by anyone else in the group. We do this so that anyone in the group can make corrections (for example: the payment was listed to the wrong person). In you user settings you can ask to be notified by email when expenses are added or changed and in the dashboard on the web you can undelete recently changed expenses.
Duplicate group creation/monthly sharing
We are a group of friends who share an apartment. We would like to have our expenses tabled month-wise. It would be great if Splitwise either -
1) has a feature in groups to divide the group expenses month-wise
2) allows duplicate group with the same existing members(creating new group for every month by adding email ids of people every time is a hassle)3 votesWe’ve added a feature to the website that will hide expenses whenever the overall balance in the group is $0. If you do settle up each month, the last months expenses will be hidden.
We will likely bring this to the iPhone and Android at some point. Will this work for what you want?
add a "Opt In/Out" or "Disputable" tag
Add a flag that lets members of a group easily identify transactions that require their input. E.g. One person bought beer for the house not knowing specifically who would want to throw in for it. It would be very helpful to have a flag/tag for transactions that need input from other group members.
7 votesWe have a notes section in the expense right now. We’re planning to add some more detailed messaging to the app at some point which will make it easy to talk about particular expenses with group members to deal with the cases you describe.
record items
i want to be able to record items
3 votesCurrently we have no plans to start tracking other than monetary expenses. We’re aware of other sites that have done this, but currently we don’t have this on our roadmap as future features.
1 voteWe have intentionally made all information in groups public. Anyone in the group should be able to easily verify that the totals listed for balances and amounts owed are correct. If you want private expenses, add them to friendships. In the friendship side of things, any user can see an expense they are a part of, but nothing else.
Facebook App
We should have a facebook app for this,with similar functionality.
1 voteCurrently we have no plans to make a Facebook app. We’re a small team of 2.5 engineers and we have some other platforms that we wish to get to before the Facebook app.
Each time i need to set the option " Hide Items not involving me ". It would be better made this option as part of account setting.
Each time when i log in to spliwise, i need to set the option " Hide Items not involving me ". It would be better made this option as part of account setting. So it would be more user friendly.
42 votesWe haven’t had a lot of momentum around this request. We’ve decided that it ultimately doesn’t look like something we’ll be adding. Apologies for any inconvenience!
Let me import expenses without annoying all my friends by sending them invites
I'm actually not going to use the importer because I apparently can't import expenses without sending invites. that's dumb.
1 votePart of Splitwise’s ethos is to keep everyone on the same page, so we’ve made a conscious decision to send emails out to the users that you’re creating friendships with.