376 results found
Request a correction on bill which is posted by others
If User1 posted a shared bill which includes User1 and User2, User2 should not be allowed to edit or delete the bill instead User2 may request correction in the bill to the User1
Bill may be edited or deleted only by the one who posted the Bill
1 voteAt least for now, Splitwise’s policy is that anyone involved in a bill has the power to view, edit, or delete it. We realize this can make things difficult if two users disagree on a bill – but even if editing was disallowed, those two users could still just add more expenses to change things to their liking.
Requesting a correction is a reasonable solution, but we feel it sacrifices too much simplicity, and is too complex for the average user. For that reason, we’ve decided not to include that feature. We’re sorry for the inconvenience!
provide option for user ids also
Instead of inserting email id everytime you can also create user names, email id should be mandatory for the first time for verifing after that user can login using their Usernames also
1 voteI’m not completely sure what you mean here, but I’m assuming you want the ability to add use nicknames for use in the app to add them to expenses? You should already be able to search by name in the fields to add expenses and it should find friends already on Splitwise first.
improve the functionality of the mobile app
First, I want to tell you that I think splitwise is fantastic and I have had all of my friends sign up!
I think the functionality of the mobile app should be improved so it can be used just as easily as the website
1 voteHey! I’m glad you like our service. The mobile apps will eventually have most of the features of the web app. I’m only declining this because it does not have a specific completion goal for us to check off.
plz remove uncheck option
plz remove uncheck option
1 voteUpdate: declining as I have never hard back on this.
Where is this option you want removed?
Quarterly, or yearly trends for utilites.
Right now I have to do this on my own, but it would be great if you had a spending analizer that could show trends in how much user based utilities, such as gas, electricity, and sewer change over time. Basically I know it costs more to heat my house in the winter with gas, but it would be fantastic to be able to give averages and trends to suspected roommates so that I know they are figuring that in when the agree to live with me. Also, though my suggestion is different than your matching suggestion of "editing future…
1 voteThis isn’t really a core Splitwise feature. We do have an API for third parties to use to develop related apps at that could be used to put this together. It’s possible we might do something similar with monthly spending graphs in the future that could be used to get this kind of information.
Have a section to comment on expenses listed by others after posting
Have an option to add a comment on an expense posted by others..going to edit and writing a note is too long of a process..also this way one might not check the notes section or that expense explicitly..comments will be visible along with expense by default.
1 voteWe’ve made it more obvious that there are notes on an expense. We feel adding this feature will add too much complexity to the interface without a huge benefit.
Enable email notifications by default
I added new bills, but since friends do not get notified, no one bothers to pay. Sucks big time.
1 voteWe send a monthly summary to all users unless they login and turn this off. We want to avoid having people feel like they are being spammed by the system, so the email on every expense add is turned off by default. You can send a balance reminder through us from the web or apps pretty easily and we’ve got a politely worded default email so doing that should be pretty easy.
Should be able to include a friend who is not in a group to an expense
There are a lot of occasions where in friends from outside the group hangout with us. Currently there is no way to include those friends in addition to group in an expense.
Can you please implement.
1 vote -
View accounts between any two friends
Typically I am only able to see what I owe my friends or vice versa. It would be a little more convenient if I could view the accounts between any two friends..This would be useful when either of them is unavailable to sort the accounts or if I want to settle up the accounts on their behalf.
1 voteFor privacy reasons, we don’t let users view balances between their friends – it would open up quite a can of worms. However, it sounds like you might find it useful to create a group, which allows you to see and manage all expenses within that group, including expenses that may not involve you personally.
Add Washington State Tax based on location.
Some how make this work inside the system. For Andriod.
1 voteHi Yazz,
This seems way out of scope for us. We generally expect people to put in the total amount after tax for expenses. Where would we use the tax?
New Updates..PLZ!!
This new update makes this website so confusing! Before your update this website worked perfectly for all my roomate b/c we could all easily track the payments and who pays who etc. Now this is all over the place.
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1 vote
Thank you!
Need privileges per user
If i add an expense only I should have the right to delete it or approve to remove it once the person owing pays.
1 vote -
Drag and Drop Reordering
Hi! I have a suggestion for making organization easier. I want to be able to drap and drop my individual financial items into the order I want. They automatically display chronologically based on when I enter them, but I can't seem to reorder them how I want. So if I enter something in a non-chronological order, it has to stay that way. At least as far as I can tell. It would be really awesome if I could just reorder them by dragging and dropping them to the order I want them in. Thank you for your attention and consideration.
1 voteI’m afraid we don’t have plans to support reordering in the near future :( We’ve found that chronological order is the easiest way for most people to review their past expenses, and right now we’re focused on doing one thing at a time right, rather than supporting many different options. Sorry!
consider that the rent bill should be able to not be simplified with the rest of the bills
When living with a group of people, it is common that one person pays the entire group's rent, and the other members pay their share to the one. We do not put rent on splitwise because splitwise simplifies rent, along with the rest of the expenses (the whole point of the website pretty much), but since rent is such a large bill, the one who fronts the rent wants that exact reimbursement in an account devoted to paying rent, therefore he does not want rent to be lumped into the other debts.
In other words, give the option to set…
1 voteThis is definitely a legitimate problem, but it’s not one we’re planning to solve in the near future. Right now we’re making an active effort to simplify Splitwise, and adding a new special option to recurring bills doesn’t quite fit with that plan.
For now, if you’d like to treat rent like a separate account, it’s probably best to actually handle it that way, either with a separate Splitwise group or offline. Sorry for the trouble!
Itemised bill with unequal sharing
Currently when we divide a bill in itemised mode, the shares are put up equally for each participant, but it is not the case always.We also need an option to unequally split inside an itemised bill. Can you address that?
1 voteWe don’t have plans to add unequal shares to itemized billing – it’s a pretty uncommon case, and we haven’t been able to come up with an interface for it that we consider “good enough”.
If you’d like to include unequally split items, you can try adding them as individual expenses, separate from the itemized bill. I realize that’s not ideal, though. Sorry for the trouble!
When adding a bill, the people with whom you are splitting should be visible on the the same window
You should not need to click on any button to view the people you are sharing the bill with.
1 voteHey Sanal – with the new form, you can still see the list of involved people at the top of the window (“With you and:”), or as you mentioned, you can click the “split equally” link for something more similar to the old view.
We found that for most users and most bills, including the list of individual users who owe was unnecessary – it was infrequently used, and it just made the form more complicated. That’s why we decided to hide it behind a click in the new form design. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Changes in splitwise interface
I see that you have changed the splitwise interface.
The old interface was very easy to use.
The new one however has errors and is very complicated compared to the old version.
When I am giving feedback here, I can see the message "You'll receive a confirmation email with a link to create a password (optional)". I am already signed in. I do not understand what this means...1 vote -
Cannot itemize
The lesser you change the better.
1 vote -
Make the person who created the expense the only one who can delete it
It happened to me, someone deleted an expense and it didn't even give me a notification. And there is no history that I know of, so I could not restore.
1 vote