672 results found
1 vote
Hi there. On the web you can view spending by category. Just go to ‘all expenses’ and then ‘trends’ (right hand side) and click ‘view full summary’.
Thanks and best!
splitwise for estates
My dad recently died and I am the executor of his estate. I came upon your furniture value calculator via a web search when I was working on his estate inventory. I am intrigued by your services. Just thought that I should suggest that in addition to a service for splitting costs among several parties, that you consider offering a system to help folks like myself to split the benefits (i.e. assist to split estates of deceased persons in a "wise" or fair way.) There are many folks - like myself - who feel the need to limit the expense…
1 voteHey there. I sent you a personal response via email, but if anyone is interested in knowing my ‘hack’ for dealing with this here are some screenshots.
I cant see notifications on my phone for longer time
It would be good if you keep notifications tab included in your application.
1 voteOn both iPhone and Android now, we have a Recent Activity tab with all notifications.
Privacy settings in group
Would be good if we can hide the expense information for ppl no involved in a transaction. This would help us maintain larger groups and allow debt simplification. (assuming that the knowledge of transaction amounts is not too private....which can be shared across the ppl in the group)
1 voteRight now, you can temporarily hide all expenses that don’t involve you by opening a group, clicking the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar, and then clicking “Hide expenses not involving me”.
However, anyone in a group has access to view, edit, and delete all expenses in that group, even expenses that don’t involve them. Unfortunately we have no plans to change that functionality. If you wish to add transactions that are only viewable/editable by the people involved, then you should probably add those transactions without any group. You can still simplify debts outside a group with the advanced “Simplify debts” feature at the bottom of the account settings page.
allow part of a split to be paid at the time it is entered
Allow users to designate that one of the splitters has already paid so as to better keep track of who has paid what to whome.
1 voteUpdate: when adding an expense, you can now click on the payer token and choose multiple payers, then add all people who have paid for the expense.
I’ll pass on the feedback! For now, you could try adding a note or comment to the bill with details on who has paid, or immediately adding a payment after you finish adding the bill.
1 vote
Done! The Angolan Kwanza should show up on the web immediately, and should show up in our mobile apps after the next time you refresh. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you!
1 vote
Hey Alex – logging in with Google/Facebook actually works this way already! If you have an existing account with the same email address as your Google or Facebook account, then Splitwise will simply log you into that account. (Splitwise doesn’t allow multiple accounts with the same email address.)
Car and Parking different icons
Car and Parking has the same icon, so it's impossible to distinguish the entries looking the list. Would it be possible to craft a little parking ticket icon?
1 voteDone! We’ve switched to a simple “P” for parking for now (as you’d see on a parking sign). It may take a little while to show up on our website and mobile apps, as category icons are often cached locally, but it should show up in the near future. Hope that helps!
allow for repeating entries
my roommate and i split rent every month, but I always make the payments. I'd like to not have to enter it every month.
1 voteIf you’re on web or iPhone, you can make an expense recurring. When you’re adding the expense, click on the date. At the bottom of the date form, you can choose a time period to have the bill repeat.
attach actual bill
example: instead of just entering walmart expense as $20, it will be better to attach the actual bill if someone wants to refer to it.
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! I’m not 100% clear: are you talking about attaching an image of the actual bill? If so, you should be able to do this already when adding a bill – just click on the button that says “Add image/notes”, and you can include an image with your bill. (The button should be clearly visible on the web and iPhone; on Android you might have to scroll down to see it.)
If I’ve misunderstood your request, let me know, but I hope that helps!
Notifications should be shown in website too. Some where in Dashboard or in the navbar.
1 vote -
Allow debt simplification when invite is pending
When I've invited someone to be part of splitwise and he's not joined, I should still be able to simplify my debts with him. Splitwise can send him an email informing him of the debt simplification. That would be additional incentive for him to join splitwise.
1 voteHey Sachin – we actually do allow debt simplification when invites are pending! If a simplification isn’t happening in the way you expect, it’s probably because our algorithm is following different priorities. (For example, a simplification may be more convenient for you but less convenient for someone else, and thus our algorithm may decide not to do it.)
There’s a bit more information about how our algorithm works at the top of the simplify debts page: Apologies for the trouble!
Superb app
Its a cool app, but it wood be more comfortable to use if it has a separate sections for trips with friends.
1 vote -
1 vote
Hey Sambhav – sorry for the trouble! Our mobile apps for iOS and Android should already be able to pull contacts from your address book. Inviting contacts by email address is supported everywhere. Inviting contacts by phone number is only supported in the US, unfortunately, as we’ve had a very large number of issues supporting non-US phone numbers taken from contacts (which almost always lack area codes, country codes, etc). Our apologies for the inconvenience!
Let me know a way to send you money
Thank you for making Splitwise. This is a fantastic tool that I wish I had when I was sharing a house in college 10 years ago. This is the kind of application I feel like I should pay for! Is there a way I can send you money? Thanks!
1 voteAww, thanks a bunch, Mike! We do have a pro version ( that lets you pay any amount you want for a few extra features, like currency conversion and early access to new features. Splitwise Pro is still pretty basic, so we haven’t pushed it very much, but it’s a great way to support us if you’re feeling generous. And of course, we’re always appreciative when you recommend Splitwise to your friends!
Thanks for the love – it always feels super nice when someone likes what we’re doing :)
change the default category when someone types "gas"
Change the category to gas/fuel - I suspect people buy and split gasoline more often than they do "gas" for a house
1 voteUpdate: we now more gracefully handle gas vs gas bill in category detection.
Thanks for the suggestion! We’re actually working on some nice improvements to automatic category detection right now, which includes better distinction between gas-for-cars and gas-for-houses. We don’t have an exact date for that update yet, but hopefully pretty soon. In the meantime, apologies for the trouble!
Enable ability to add contacts without inputting email address
Today, I can select my contacts to add to my splitwise group, but I still have to input an email address. Splitwise should autopopulate the email address or allow me to connect with users who are already using splitwise.
using: iOS
1 voteHey there! If you’ve allowed the Splitwise app to access your contacts, then it should autopopulate the email field whenever you try to add someone. If no email address is shown, then you’ve selected a contact without any email address.
Belarussian currency
Can you guys please add belarussian currency (
1 voteWe did it!
Not in any group
Can you guys create an automatic group called "Not in any group" to show all transactions that are not in any group?
Senthur1 voteUpdate: this is now available on all platforms!
Hey Senthur – we’re actually considering this idea very seriously right now! I think it’d be a pretty convenient update, and hopefully it would help some of the people who get confused about non-group expenses :)
Multi party Settelment
This is something we use on day to day basis withing friend.
e.g. Split wise snap shot:
I owe one of my friend A 10$
Friend B owes me 8$.Now under multi party settelment we say that may be B will send my balance to A hence snap shot can be:
I owe $2 to friend A
Friend B owes me $0I think above can be implemented easily and also we do this by adding multiple transcation in splitwise regularly by adding couple of transactions.
1 voteHey there! Splitwise actually already has this feature, in two different forms:
(1) The “Simplify debts” feature in groups: turn this on, and debts within your group will automatically be simplified, in exactly the way you described. This only affects expenses within a single group.
(2) “Simplify debts” outside of groups: this is a feature on the account settings page on our website, under “advanced features”. This allows you to simplify debts with your friends even without being in a group. This feature is web-only and somewhat hidden, as we’ve found that it causes a lot of confusion for most people. If you use this feature with your friends, make sure they understand what the feature is doing, or else they may be confused about why their balances have suddenly changed.
Hope that helps!