376 results found
Keep the option for the older interface around
I feel that your new version suffers from "redesign fever", where you've attempted to make it so pretty that you remove the utilitarian functionality I like in the current interface.
Just like Gmail when it went through its redesign, your new version has much less information density, and I feel that you're losing visual distinction between sections of the interface.
Please allow us to keep the current interface around.
2 votesWe’ve disabled the ability to see both UI’s due to the amount of engineering time it would take to maintain both sides. If you have any specific comments on what you’d like to see improved in the new UI please feel free to add Uservoice tickets.
Provide Date time for each feedback and comments
Provide Date time for each feedback and comments so when it is said a feature would be ready in near future. We can guesstimate from the date time comment was posted
2 votesSaw your comment :)
Dashboard should tell me how much I owe in total and how much I'm owed
as above
It is very inconvenient when I'm doing my calculations and tallying numbers to add up manually.
Please implement this feature
2 votesHey there, I’m only declining this because it’s a duplicate of the ticket below. Feel free to go add your votes to this one!
We do plan on doing a revamp to the dashboard and many people have asked for the total debt information. Chances are it’ll get in there in the very near future.
Deleting all transactions of a particular friend
Please provide an option where you can clear/delete all transactions wtih a particular friend without deleting that friend.
2 votesCan I ask for more information on why you want this feature? We don’t currently have plans to enable this, as we feel it would be abused by users in disputes.
Add Bill bug
When adding a bill, I can assign myself the entire amount of the bill balance, this doesnt make sense here
2 votesThis is actually intentional, as some of our users like to use Splitwise to keep track of all their bills, even those that aren’t shared with other people. I agree it’s a bit odd, but we’re going to keep it in, at least for now.
You can only edit/delete/add a bill if you are involved in it
A user should not be able to modify or add a bill if he/she is not involved in it.
2 votesWe allow group members to edit or delete anything within that group. This is because we want anyone within that group to be able to fix a mistake and have total transparency. If you create a friendship with a person, then the only people that can edit or delete an expense will be the people involved.
That only relative data to that person should be shown to the user
Entries related to respective persion should be visible to that person and not all entries.
2 votesThis behavior is intentional – in a group, we believe that all group members should be able to see all expenses. This allows members of the group to more easily correct mistakes and get an complete picture of what’s going on.
On the web, if you wish to view only the expenses that involve you, you can click “Hide items not involving me” under the “Other actions” menu.
For more, see this helpdesk article:
make friend view more detailed.
When viewing a friend in friend view who is also part of a group, it would be great if I could see all the transactions with that friend (including ones in the group) that got me to the balance that I owe them or they owe me.
2 votesWe have included the aggregate total from the group in the friends list, but will not be including individual expenses (causes user confusion about totals in a lot of cases). We will be adding search to the main expense list, so you should be able to see a better idea of expenses there.
Groups > Pls don't let any of the friend delete or edit a bill that he is not a part of
Suppose a group has 5 friends and i report a payment involving 4 of us except one person. Now the last person who is not a part of the bill has full control to edit/delete the bill i reported. This is not fair. May be he can view the bill as he is a friend/group member and its okay. But edit/delete a bill where you are not a part, is too weird! Or atleast there should be an option for the bill poster to approve/reject the edit/delete performed by one of the friends.
2 votesIn a group, and bill added to the group can be seen and edited by anyone in the group, regardless of if they are involved in the bill or not. This is nice if you have related bills that not everyone is involved in, but might want to see (I might not pay anything on the electrical bill, but it’s important to me that my apartment has electricity).
We keep a detailed list of all changes in the history and anyone in a group can fix a mistake or undo a deleted expense.
Debt Shuffle
Congratulations on adding Debt shuffle.
It would be great to have a link on the dashboard page.Sid
2 votesHey Sid,
We’re planning to leave debt shuffle hidden away. Most users find it confusing and we’d prefer not to expose new users to it unless they are motivated enough to find it.
keep it simple!
The last version of the website was just OK. You have made things more complicated!
There also seems to be a flaw. The transactions in the All Expenses part seems to be useless and also misleading!2 votesWe updated the website to handle some use cases and issues that were not possible in the old layout. We’re still bringing a few of the old features to the new layout. Please let us know if there are any specific things you miss and we’ll see if we can address them.
What about the All Expenses part seems useless/misleading?
Splitwise Avatar
I would appreciate it if you could put a skirt on my splitwise avatar. Thank you.
2 votes -
Include additional factors in the rent calculator (pets, smoking, messy)
I have a roommate that completely dominates all of the communal living spaces with her mess (clothing, food bags, mail, art supplies etc.). My roommate also has a dog that is not house-trained so there is an additional "ick-factor" there. Additionally she is a smoker and I am not. I would like to be able to factor these types of things in when calculating how the rent should be split.
2 votesAll 3 of these have some pretty wide fuzzy margins and are probably too complex for us to be able to factor them into the rent calculator. (what kind of pet? does it stay in their room? does she smoke inside or just bring the smell in? how messy is “messy”?). I think we had these on the initial survey but were unable to come to any statistically significant solutions on them.
settle up - only parties involved should perform
Now anyone can do settle up for any people... it should be only with people who involved in the transaction...
2 votesI’m assuming this is within groups (if it’s outside of groups, it’s a big bug and we need to fix it immediately, please email Within groups, we expect any user in the group to be able to make any change. This is for reasons of simplicity and to make a lot of common use-cases for groups reasonable. If you’re terribly worried about activity in the group, turn on email notifications for expense updates, adds and deleted.
Did not like the new UI for splitting the bill
Its difficult to remember every persons name and add, the check box was much easier.
2 votesHi there,
The checkboxes are still there – if you click on “split equally” you can check anyone you like.
We’re sorry this adds an additional click to see the checkboxes, but it makes the form so much simpler for new users, and it’s easier on the eyes (in our opinion).
Hope this helps!
Jon -
allow to choose participants when using unequal dividing with adjustments
In the old pop-up when doing an "unequal divide with adjustments" it was possible to keep people out from the bill. This is no longer possible with the new layout but was very handy.
2 votesWe removed the checkboxes from that screen in an effort to simplify the add bill form. However, you can still add an adjusted bill that only involves some members of a group. On the main add bill screen, where it says “With you and:”, just delete the “All of Your Group” token and type in the names of the specific people you want to split with, and the adjustment form will update accordingly. Hope that helps!
Keep Interface simple and clean
Hi , I think , the new color combination have ruined the old simple clean look of website.
Apart from that , everything is cool
2 votesSorry you don’t like the new colors! We are planning to keep them, though. It’s definitely a lot different than the old Splitwise, but we hope the change will grow on you with time.
Color scheme is disgusting please change it
2 votesSorry you don’t like the new colors! We are planning to keep them, though. It’s definitely a lot different than the old Splitwise, but we hope the change will grow on you with time.
re-enable gravatar support
My profile picture suddenly disappeared because you un-enabled gravatar support.
2 votesSorry about this! We actually found that Gravatar was scaring some people away – they didn’t know where we got their picture from, and it really creeped them out. You can still upload an avatar from your user settings page, if you’d like, though I know that’s less convenient.
2 votes
We support recurring bills on the phone – just tap the date when adding a new bill, and you’ll see options to make that bill recur.
For payments, though, we decided not to include recurring options. When someone settles up on Splitwise, we want to make sure it’s because they took conscious action and actually settled up, not because something repeated automatically.