672 results found
Allow multiple payers for bills on Android version
Right now on the web app, you can enter multiple payers for a new expense. Unfortunately, the Android version doesn't support that feature.
6 votesMultiple payers are fully supported in the latest version of our Android app. Thanks for your patience!
Provide Graphs on various spending trends
Great app to use. Would be helpful if we get an option to view graphs on spending trends.
6 votes -
Show us all the Data.
I noticed today that there are just last 5 months of data and transactions are shown what if I need to see more or all the transaction since I joined the split-wise.
Please advice and have us an ability to select how much data you wants to see and you can store that data on our phone. Not on your server.
Thank You,
KruPesh Patel6 votesSorry for the confusion! Splitwise actually keeps all of your data indefinitely – if you’re no longer seeing an old expense, it’s most likely because someone else deleted that bill, or because an old group was automatically hidden due to inactivity.
If you’d like to download a copy of your data, you can always export any group or friend to a spreadsheet on our website. Just log in, click on a friend or group in the left sidebar, then click the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar and choose “Export as spreadsheet”.
Monthly total expenses
In All expenses field we can see the expenses for the month but it doesn't have the total expenses.
Instead of manual calculation if you could provide total expenses for every month then it would be great!
6 votesThis is now available on all of our platforms!
Close a Group instead of deleting it
Can you add a feature to Close a Group instead of deleting it?
All participants have to be Settled up to close a group. People cannot add expenses to a closed group. Show these groups is a separate section. It will help keep the history of groups.6 votesUpdate: Android now also hides groups that have been settled for more than 40 days.
While we don’t have plans for implementing a feature to close a group, we do have a feature on the web and iOS (coming soon to Android) where we hide groups and friends that have been settled up for more than a month automatically from your summary view.
6 votes
This is already available on all three platforms – on Android under the menu, and on iPhone on the “more” button, and on the web in the charts tab.
Show only those friends on home page which either owe me money or to whom I owe money. Other friends can be hidden under 'old.......friends'
Currently, when I select All Balances.. in the drop down above my friends list you show friends with whom I've settled up balances too. You should only show those friends who either owe me money or to whom I owe money. Other friends can be hidden in that menu at bottom. Like that, the list will shrink and will probably show me in one view all friends with pending balances..
6 votesThanks for the suggestion! Friends who you have been settled up with for more than 40 days should automatically get hidden as you describe.
Show total expense by each member in a group
Sometimes it will be best if you show that "Vikram Spent 350£ total in this group". This will exclude only my expense, not what I paid for others.
6 votesGood news – we do offer this. To access this info on the web:
1. Open group
2. Click ‘trends’ button on the right
Hope that helps! Cheers -
Website is barely usable on Android
Tested on a Galaxy Nexus using the builtin web browser, and Firefox -- the top bar doesn't size correctly, so you can't actually reach the login button without doing something weird like turning your device sideways and zooming out all the way.
5 votes -
Be notified in more than one way
Set it up that everyone can have at least 2 ways to be contacted. ie email and or cell phone/txt. And you can do notification icons on your app, that way it tells the person they have a new message and to open the app.
5 votes -
make the add bill window larger.
The add Bill window is irritatingly small. It sucks to see a whole big screen but very little space to work with. This is especially problematic with itemized bills, where a horizontal toolbar pops up while adding a bill on a 30 inch screen! Please make the add bill window wider...
5 votesItemized bills now get a much larger screen.
Auto Shuffle Toggle
As per your comment splitwise is using auto shuffling.
Does it takes place whenever a use enter any expenses ?Try to make it manual process rather than automatic.
Or if we can have a setting to turn off the auto shuffling feature.
Many people may not like auto shuffling since it will be hard to keep track of what happened.Manual Shuffling on a button click along with auto shuffle toggle option will be a great feature.
There was a option to turn off debt shuffling in billmonk. I dont want you people to replicate billmonk but many of…
5 votesYou can now change this in the modal pop up when you hit settle up in the group.
Editable Bills
The creater/reporter of a bill must be allowed to edit all fields.
5 votesThis is now available on all platforms.
5 votes
This should be fixed for all new expenses.
Difficult to manage payment
Hi Splitwise sounded attractive at first. I imported all my billmonk data, then figured, I was better off with billmonk eventhough their UI was bad and site went down often.
I am not able to change the person who paid for an entry I already recorded.
A bill entry added with 5 people goes finally as individual entries and hence if I were to delete it, I will have to go to all the people involved in the bill and delete it.5 votesFor all new expenses, you will be able to see and edit a shared bill between friends all at once.
5 votes
Adding to a group
Suggest names of people already existing in the other groups. This makes it easier to add and faster too.
5 votesThis should be available on web, iPhone and Android now!
Group members
When I see my Dashboard, I see that the individuals in the group membership show that they owe me 0.00 whereas inside the group they owe me some money. Can you have that reflected outside of the group in the Dashboard so that I dont have to go inside to check who owes me how much.
5 votesDashboard should now use total aggregate debt for each person.
add messages
It would be cool if there were like a message board so everyone can post anything, things like "Could you pay me by the end of the month?" or "Im broke at the moment, hold on pleasee"... so everyone in the group can see them
5 votesWe have something called the whiteboard that the group members can use for this very thing! At the top of the right-hand sidebar, click the speech bubble icon – it’ll bring up a screen where you can record a message.
We do plan on adding more functionality to this in the future (like a time stamp, a history of messages more like a chat, etc). If there is something else you’d like specifically, let us know!
to shuffle debts among group members as well as across members of different groups
there should be a feature to shuffle debts between people of same group as well as across different groups, so that number of transactions made can be reduced to minimum.
5 votesYou can now simplify debts under your account settings on the web.