Add a Round Up button
It'd be nice to have a Round Up! button. In Malaysia, the smallest amount you can pay is RM0.05, not RM0.01 anymore.

Sorry for the trouble! Yep, there are a few other currencies that work this way too – I’m not sure when we’ll get around to rounding off those currencies, but we know it’s somewhere we can improve. In the meantime, apologies for the inconvenience!
Javi commented
There should be an option to round up/down balances to simplify settling in more-than-2-people groups. For example, i owe 13.83, i will pay 14. Someone owes 10.06, he will pay 10.
Then, the one who i am overpaying 0.17 to gets 0.17 less from someone else. Some are rounded up and some are rounded down. But all numers are rounded then most you can, as we actually end up doing that in reality. Should it be directly in the app it would be awesome
Nitish Raj commented
Add a amount round up button to nearest integer in India.