Statistical data per category of expense.
Instead of naming the bill, make it so that you choose a category and add a comment. then export statistics per week or month for every kind of categorized expense so that we can have more info on the expenses.

Hey there! We’d love to add better support for categories over time, and we already do support this to some extent. When adding an expense, tap on the expense icon to choose a category for the expense. Later, you can export a spreadsheet that includes category information about all of your expenses.
On our website, you can also view a monthly spending breakdown by category by clicking on the “Trends” button at the top of the right sidebar, then clicking the “View full details” link.
Naveen Raj commented
okay. Now I see total balance where total spend is mentioned. I suggest to better have options for different category of spend along with the total like food grocery travel etc based on how one categorizes it based on the category icon may be
Kelly Carter commented
Potential use case: I would like to see the average monthly spending of my group on utilities for the past year so that we can tell a prospective roommate roughly how much they will need to pitch in for the next year.
utkarsh chaudhary commented
Have some pictorial representation of in which segment and how much by percentage have been spend so that we can generalise how much we spend on food totally, how much on outings like wise
Shivam Nagpal commented
Showing a pie chart of your whole month's expense based on category of spends like food, bills, travel etc.. The distribution can also be shown percentage wise. So we actually know where we spent the most, how much portion it had against our total spends.
Nicolò Zaganelli commented
It world be great ig se could categorize our expensive and then analyze them, to know how we spent our money
Shaun Coley commented
Hello, I’m using the beta with the historical spending charts. I think it’d make more send to have the most recent month on the top of the list of three months rather than the bottom.
Love the app - keep up the great work!!
Shaun -
Shaun Coley commented