Ability to create tags for certain expenses, e.g "Moving costs", "Pets", "Reimbursable", "Sunday trip" when between two people especially

While we aren’t actively planning to implement tags currently, there are some things that you could essentially use as tags: we have a category for every expense such as transportation – bus, taxi or utilities – gas, power.
You can also create separate group if you want to have expenses for lets say a trip, an apartment or a club to be separate from regular expenses.
Kent Wang commented
Tagging can be an alternative to custom categories. I know you aren't planning on implementing custom categories, so this can let people use tags to do that. Tags are just much more flexible than categories and people can use them for all kinds of uses.
Heman commented
it would be great to have a tag feature and ability to filter expenses based on tag(s).
Vikrant commented
having tags will make it convenient to group transactions together. right now i have to create a new group if we friends go for a trip to track only those expenses. if a tag feature was there, i could have done it in the existing group with those friends.
kub1x commented
Tagging is useful even in a single group too. For example detergent and cleaning stuff is not recurring, but it kinda belongs to the many we pay "for house" (and thus share all equally) as opposed to one-time payments such as buying stuff together for grill party that is shared equally too, but it's not the same thing.
I wanna know how much my housing is and there is no way to figure that out now.. unless, of course, I create separate group for food which is what I don't want. I want one place to look but have it organized.
Mali Sundar commented
I am on a Group with 3 other roommates. And recently we did a trip to LA for the long weekend. If the transactions of the trip can be tagged, we would know exactly the tagged transactions expenses and sharing within the group (the group is used for other stuff like Rent, Electricity Bill etc).