Settling bills with multi group friends
When settling bills with a friend who is in multiple group, if exact amount is paid, the payment is divided and both the groups are settled. But if the amount paid is not exact, there should be some mechanism to settle the groups.
After paying a certain amount , the group with maximum due amount should be settled first followed by group with next highest due and so on.

Hi there,
I think I understand the suggestion, and thanks for your thoughts, but this solution would be very to build and even more complex to explain/design a UI for.
Settle All Balances is already very confusing even when a payment cancels everything exactly, so we’re not likely to double down on this approach. I apologize but I’m going to decline your request.
As a good work-around for now, I recommend you manually record one payment as two separate payments if you have strong preferences about how a partial payment should be allocated across groups.
Maheen Heera Syed commented
When 'Settle Up' is done between two friends who are in different groups, it shows as 'You borrowed' when settle is down, rather than that it can be shown as 'Friend has paid $XX.YY amount' to avoid confusion