create an app for sharing tasks
First of all: Splitwise is an absolutely amazing application that has saved me, my friends and my flatmates a lot of arguing and discussing. In a shared flat, there is another issue apart from splitting bills and that is splitting household tasks. The problems are actually quite similar, but unfortunately there seems to be no good solution for managing household tasks. The idea would be tasks can be 'voted up', meaning they increase their reward. As soon as someone considers a reward big enough, he does the task and gets the reward points. If a flatmember falls too far back with his points, he has to compensate financially or bake a cake for everyone. The crucial point is that tasks should start with a low incentive and then successively increase (based on voting, eg. everyone can vote one point per day) until someone does the task. A person should be blocked from doing a task for 24 hrs after voting it up in order to prevent people increasing the value of a task right before doing it.
An app like this would be extrememly useful for all kinds of shared households. Users could decide by themselves which punishment seems fit for falling too far behind in the point system.

Thanks for the suggestion! We don’t plan to do anything other than make it easier to split expenses. I can see how this would be a useful app, but it’s not one we’re going to have the time to build.
chriswilliam commented
Add a drip to your fluffy cakes with the cute sprinkles and some whipped cream to make it look irresistibly good!
Give it the look of a unicorn by to make it taste as amazing it looks by placing a cone at the top along with some colorful fruit decoration at the sides
Fill the cake with vibrantly colored marshmallows to give it a layer of soft and chewy edibles while topping it off with art deco cake topper
Pipe some rainbows on to make the cake look super adorable with lots of exciting shades and swirls in it
Add edible flowers and those graceful stuffs like rose petals, calendula petals, violas, and so much more to give it more beauty and grace.Order your Goodies at:
chriswilliam commented
Add a drip to your fluffy cakes with the cute sprinkles and some whipped cream to make it look irresistibly good!
Give it the look of a unicorn by to make it taste as amazing it looks by placing a cone at the top along with some colorful fruit decoration at the sides
Fill the cake with vibrantly colored marshmallows to give it a layer of soft and chewy edibles while topping it off with art deco cake topper
Pipe some rainbows on to make the cake look super adorable with lots of exciting shades and swirls in it
Add edible flowers and those graceful stuffs like rose petals, calendula petals, violas, and so much more to give it more beauty and grace.Order your Goodies at:
chriswilliam commented
Add a drip to your fluffy cakes with the cute sprinkles and some whipped cream to make it look irresistibly good!
Give it the look of a unicorn by to make it taste as amazing it looks by placing a cone at the top along with some colorful fruit decoration at the sides
Fill the cake with vibrantly colored marshmallows to give it a layer of soft and chewy edibles while topping it off with art deco cake topper
Pipe some rainbows on to make the cake look super adorable with lots of exciting shades and swirls in it
Add edible flowers and those graceful stuffs like rose petals, calendula petals, violas, and so much more to give it more beauty and grace.Order your Goodies at:
Roshan KUMAR commented
splitting the task.There is always fight among the people living together who will bring things like vegetables,fruits.
who will clean room??and many more like that.
what happens that somebody come from office early, he has to bring stuffs from the market which annoy the person.
some folks are busy in girlfriend they do not bring stuffs always excuse.
Another situation if somebody is going out, some folks tell to bring some stuffs for their rooms, especially bachelors face this problem.
If your app assigns the task to the folks sharing the space:
1.who will do work if any ??
2.who will bring today vegetable??
3.who will do cleaning work on weekends??etcYour app not only show who has done work but also who assign it.
count of work done by individual should also be in your app.
If somebody has some problem ,he will not accept the request.And the work will be done by other folk by some good messages.And this extra credit point will increase the respect meter in the app.How splitwise will benifitt from this idea??
⚓Every bachleor will like it.And those who dont bring the stuffs they will feel ashame counting the task and watching the respect meter done by other folk and this change will bring some realization and they will also change and do work.If this happens especially bachelors will give more attention to the splitwise app. And this will bring more downloads.Imagine the market your app is solving the problem.
David commented
i.e. people in a group can add tasks (like "fix the lock") with prices (like "$70") and then anyone in the group can click on the bounty once they've completed the task, and it will automatically add a debt of $70 from the group to the person who completed the task.
bounties could also be paid for by the group, or subgroups/individuals within the group (just like all other expenses)
Jan Lukas commented
An example: I add the task 'empty garbage' to my flat group and set an initial reward of 1 point. As the garbage gets fuller and fuller, people would start getting annoyed and vote it up, giving it a reward of 2 points. Now I might say, well, two points sounds good, I empty the trash and get the reward.
Another situation is a dinner with friends where not everyone from the flat participates. I would register a task 'clean dishes from dinner' and set an initial reward of 3 and specify which people in the group took part in the dinner. One idea now would be that people who did not participate in the dinner would get an extra point for cleaning without having been involved, gaining 4 points.