Make "Add a Bill" a floating action button
Currently, if I'm scrolling through old transactions and want to add a bill, I have to scroll back up to the top of the page to hit the "Add a Bill" button. If this were a FAB I could add a transaction from anywhere in the history.

Thanks for this suggestion! I can see how that would be helpful. I’ll leave this open for further voting.
Anonymous commented
As I'm scrolling down to look at transactions, I can't Add a Bill unless I go straight back to the top - where the button is located.
A suggestion is to make the Add a Bill button floating and constantly visible, so that no matter where I scroll I can add a bill.For example, the 'Feedback' button is constantly visible. So it's easy to locate no matter where I am in the website.
Anonymous commented
A "+" button to add expenses that follows the page as you scroll down, so if you're double checking old expenses and missed one, you don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top.
Pinterest has this for adding pins!