Allow multiple payers in expenses that span multiple friendships
It should be possible to have multiple payers on a single bill, just as it's possible to have multiple people split the bill.
This is now fully supported on the web! When you add a bill, just choose “2+ people paid” in the “who paid” dropdown, and you can record how much each person paid.
If you’d like to see this on mobile, please put your votes on this ticket
Bhavesh Bendale commented
I dont see this functionality even on web
Evans Love commented
first, I LOVE YOUR APP. i mostly use it for group trips, and it is AWESOME!
... but i would like to use it to keep track of expenses i owe to my family (as a student i am living at home and my folks are covering my expenses for the time being until i graduate and get a job to pay them back). i could also see this being really helpful for roommate situations as well!
ok, so right now when i click "ADD BILL" and look under the "PAID BY" section, there is the option to select a single person who paid (or else calculate and enter the exact amounts that each person paid if there were multiple). however, my parents are covering all the costs equally... so i was wondering if there would be a way to use settings similar to those you can see in the "SPLIT BY" section.
i do not know exactly how the back end of your system is set up / how complicated it would be to add the features make it so that a cost that split by multiple people could be determined without manually calculating / entering in the exact amount. but it would be a great feature to include all the different options for "PAID BY" that you have in "SPLIT BY"!
thats all! i hope that description make sense, if not, let me know! anyway, let me know what you think!
evans love -
Plariom commented
When paying by cash, you could be short of money to pay the whole bill. The idea is allowing other people to raise a cooperative fund for one article.
For instance: I have to pay 26€, but I only have 20. The other two members of the group pay 4 and 2€, so it's all paid. The idea is that instead of creating 3 different items with three different payers, just create one item with three different payers and different amounts apported.
Jim commented
The way to add multiple payers is not immediately obvious; I only just noticed it myself. When creating a new bill, there's a dropdown that says "So-and-so paid", with the names of all the people in the group. At the very bottom of the list of names is an entry that says "2+ people". Select that and the dialog will change to allow you to input a different amount paid for each person.
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Hey there,
Currently you are only about to have multiple payers if you're adding an expense within a group of 3 or more. We are currently working on getting this feature working across all friendships and groups, so it shouldn't be much longer. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Praveen AP commented
Hello Admin,
You said it is available in website, I dont see this feature in website. Can you please tell how we can add multiple payers in website
GD commented
+1 to Ian K's comment. I don't see how to do this on the website for regular friendships. Please add asap - this is a huge hole. Don't worry about who pays whom - just let us add say n payers and m participants on a bill.
Anonymous commented
***We'll probably implement this feature such that we just assign the debt arbitrarily, but that seems like a somewhat jarring user experience if you end up owing the "wrong" person.***
The right answer is to make the Carl and Dana pay $5 to both Adam and Betty.
This is an extremely important feature. I would not stay with splitwise long without it. Please implement soon.
Sujan Venkat commented
I have A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H in my friends list (not in a group). I go to lunch/dinner/movie with some of the people from my list. Everyone does not participate in all my bills. Multiple people pay for the bills. If I have to split my bill for a transaction where A, B, C paid the bill and A, B, C, D, E, F shared the expense. I dont see an option in Splitwise to add the transaction. 95% of my bills are of this type. It would be great , if this option is supported.
Praveen AP commented
This is the most frequent transaction we use. I dont wish to create a multiple groups for every circle i have. This key feature currently prevents us to use splitwise. Please have this feature up so 23 of us can start using this actively.
Worst case worst support the basic feature of allowing user to setltle up the transaction ie you dont need to figure to whom Carl and Dana owe money. When Adam, Betty, Carl and Danga go to dinner, one of them will create a transaction and they assign Carl and Dana to appropriate person. Application does not need to care about assigning person automatically.
Your support is highly appreciated -
Michael commented
Its already available in Billmonk. You can ask the way to settle-up to the user itself (by showing some options).
Its a very frequent thing.
Rajat commented
This is a very common scenario for me and my friends. When we go out to eat, because of the size of the bill, more than one person ends paying the bill. If there is debt shuffle functionality outside of groups, it does not matter even if the debt is assigned randomly. We can always shuffle them up. :)
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
Yep, this is currently only available in groups. The reason it's not available across friendships (at least not yet) is that when there are multiple payers, there are multiple possible ways to determine who owes who.
Example: Adam, Betty, Carl, and Dana go to dinner. Everyone owes $10, so Adam and Betty pay $20 each and cover their friends. Carl and Dana each owe $10 – but to who? Should Carl pay back Adam or Betty?
We'll probably implement this feature such that we just assign the debt arbitrarily, but that seems like a somewhat jarring user experience if you end up owing the "wrong" person.
edbury enegren commented
Looks like it's only available in groups?
Ian commented
I do not see this functionality (multiple payers for a bill) on the website.