Send Reminder to all people in a group
When we send a reminder, there should be an option available to send it to all members of the group, instead of sending it to individuals.

I can see how group-wide emails would be useful, and we’d definitely like to add that feature in the future.
Mamidi Jithender reddy commented
Still I don’t see this option, it’s already one decade completed since the original query was raised.. can you please look into this ask.
Ted commented
The whole purpose of Splitwise is to get people to pay you back through the app. How is there not an easier way to notify people to pay you and clear their balances? It's absurd. This is core functionality. This has been an issue for so long...
Aniket Chandak commented
If there are any pending debts to be cleared in any of the group there I wish there should be an option to send an auto reminder notification to all the user to clear of the debts...
Tyler commented
How is it 2019 and this still isn't a feature? You should be able to message all, everyone who owes money, or any group of people. It's crazy that, in a group of 30 people, I have to send individual reminders to each of them....
Andy Nguyen commented
There should be three types of Send Reminder.
1. Send reminder to single user- which we already have.
2. Send reminder to a Group.
3. Send reminder to All friends.
Or a Selection Option that allows you to choose multiple users/groups a reminder all at once.
Example: send reminder to....
(selections chosen)
-Family Group
-Camping Group -
Keerthimanu Gattu commented
It'd be nice to have an option to notify a friend / notify all to settle their dues. Because it might get awkward if I just ping him to settle.
Yashrajsinh Jadeja commented
it should be something like "Email to Collaboraters" of Google Docs and Sheets
Rosa Kim commented
It would be nice to send a notification to everyone in the group to unload their expenses. Then, they should be able to toggle something to notify the sender that they have finished uploading their expenses so they can settle the Group.
Claire Cerda commented
LETS GO, this isn't a hard thing! And it causes a lot of resentment!
Rohith Krishna commented
Parul Modi commented
I want to send the whole group and email in one go lettign them know of the current status of the balances.
Not everyone in the group , checks splitwise and it would be nice to send a status to the whole group once in a while so that they are aware of the balances.
Anonymous commented
Mr imperial blue. Plz check. The your out let allahabad bizalii ghar ke pass surajkundthana ke bazu. My 750 ml your product duplicate.
Anonymous commented
Mr imperial blue. I shackd your product or duplicate in allahabad bizalii ghar out let. 750 ml.
Deepak Krishnan P P commented
Ya Ya commented
When would it be implemented. It is open since 2013!
Hollie Doar commented
I've just finished a holiday with a group of 8 friend, and I wanted to message everyone to say that we are ready to settle up (as there was a bit of to and fro with some of the bills) however I couldn't see an option to message the whole group. I've solved the issue by sending a group message on facebook, but I was surprised that I couldn't do it on the website.
Anonymous commented
this would be very usefull Please introduce this.
Anonymous commented
How do u send reminder to individual.. I cant find it
Arunprasaath commented
Consider all people who are not part of a specific group as people part of a common group.IT Solves another problem(feature) of sending remainder to all people who owe me money.
Anonymous commented
has this gone anywhere?