Search expenses!
You're building a great site, and you guys are quite responsive to feedback. Congratulations!
Is there a way to search the expense history by keyword? It's such a basic feature that I just assumed it exists somewhere, but after looking around for a while I think it's missing as of now. It would be great if I can search by keywords such as say "grocery", or sort by category, or sort by persons involved etc.
Search is Pro feature. With Pro, you will find the option to search expenses by keyword by tapping on the magnifying glass icon in our mobile apps. Or, via the dropdown menu by your name on our website.
You can sign up for Pro in our apps by going to the Account tab in iOS or the top left menu on Android, or by going directly to
Pavan Varadaraju commented
Include "Filter" or "Find" option to search for a specific expense
Selen Yıldırım commented
rockin.jassie commented
a search bar makes it easier for the customer to look for a payment and also search should consider both prices and heading of the entries
Sarah Skapik commented
In addition to adding a simple search functionality to the mobile app - there also needs to be a way to quickly view all expenses by a category, user or vendor. Use case example: I need to make sure that I've added my monthly utility bill into Splitwise. Without filtering or search, i have to scroll back thru all my expenses and scan and hunt for a bill name. If there was filtering I could press a button and see all those bills listed.
rory.tan commented
Hello I've subscribed to premium, the feature was marketed as there, but I see the ticket says started...
I can't seem to find it anywhere though so is it started or there and just really hard to find? -
Siva Krishna commented
provide search expense option
niki.jituri commented
Helps to look up for a bill easily. Search by user or search by group
Thanks commented
Problem is that I can’t get into the app Facebook or email address
Anonymous commented
Jéssica Franke commented
Gostaria que fosse possível pesquisar pelo nome da despesa que incluí. Por exemplo, pesquisar por "aluguel" e o aplicativo me retornar uma lista das atividades chamadas "aluguel" incluídas.
Abhilash commented
It would really help with analysis of expenditure such as 'how much did we spend on groceries till now" of since last 6 months. if the search is that equipped it would be agame changer
kiran pathe commented
I think there should be a search field along with date for searching particular activity.
satendra nath commented
most of us use splitwise extensively, and the logs generated wad very huge, like i need to know when i have purchased something or when was the last time i have paid for that thing, for ease of users you can include some string search option.
Shubham Rai commented
Hi Splitwise
I would suggest to have one search Box in activity area so that user can search previous records easily by name or some matching words.
Anonymous commented
Vivek yadav commented
Hi team can we utilize pro feature on test basis so that if we like it and would like to but it can do that as well
Arjit Dubey commented
sorting the expenses
suyash commented
It will be great if Splitwise can add a search option for transaction. I can see two levels of search can be implemented as below:
1. Search in Global level
2. Search in group levelAlong with this there can different filters you can provide like below :
1. Search by people involved
2. Search by description
3. Search by amount
4. Search by date/ date rangeYou can contact me for information on number +91-8087678591. I would like to test the application as a beta tester.
Suyash -
Anonymous commented
With the option to also facet by group would be nice.
Hari commented
Would be great to have a feature to search transactions - keyword and/or amount based search.
Benefit: to be able to quickly see if an item was entered especially for those who use splitwise a lot