Improved Debt Simplification with more clarity
Debt Simplification in its current form is quite limited. Even when I initiate the Debt Simplification on my end, I am not able to quite figure out how the debt got simplified. This is because whenever a debt simplification is made, multiple entries are added and it is difficult to correlate them.
It would be great if debt simplification was shown as a single entry for an individual debt simplification operation so that everyone involved is able to identify how the debts have been shuffled. This can be made clearer by showing a diagram with names or any other graphical method(Bill monk used to have a diagram for their "Debt Shuffle" feature). Individual users who are not part of the entire diagram(shuffle) could be shown a subset of the diagram that they are involved in.
I checked if a similar idea has been posted and I see that privacy of user names is a concern. But this will not be the case thanks to Rule number 2 followed in Dept Simplification "No one owes a person that they didn’t owe before". And as long as a person is only shown a subset that is applicable to them, it should work fine!
I do hope this idea is feasible! :)

We’d definitely like to improve clarity on debt simplification. In most situations, it’s impossible to show the full details of a debt simplification without compromising privacy, but we may be able to show only the parts of a simplification that directly involve you. (You can sort of do this already by going to the “All expenses” tab and viewing all the individual transactions involved in a debt simplification.)
Ditmar Wendt commented
Splitwise must traverse a graph of debts to perform simplification. That graph should be visible to the users, so that they understand how Group Member #7 ended up owing them $1000
David commented
I'm a huge fan of the simplify debts feature, and turn it on for my groups, but when paying back, people get very confused and conflicting instructions on how to to pay.
Specifically, in the center of the screen it will say things like "Person A lent you $10", and only shows who they actually owe on the right side.
While there is a question mark next to "Simplify Debts is ON", many people just glance at the center of the screen and start paying the amounts shown next to "Lent you"
It will be helpful if either it didn't show the "Lent You" amounts without you digging in, or had a centered / attention grabbing area with a clear amount owed and an short explanation of "simplify debts"
vikas srivastava commented
If any group member want to simplify their debts with few members as preference, Then there should be option. Graph mapping within group members will help to do that.
Mohsin Khan commented
Simplifying Transaction should have more details
Mohsin Khan commented
Now Simplified transactions have no detail that from which Debt triangle its transaction is made. please show there one debt Triangle to clarify.
Surenkumar Nihalani commented
When I click All Expenses, on that page, I see debt simplification entries. I would like to see the graph so I can make sure that the simplification is correct.
Surenkumar Nihalani commented
I feel unsafe with current details in debt simplification entries.