settle up as of <date>
the ability to select a bill and settle up at that point, so settle up all bills before this (and perhaps insert that payment into the timeline there)
so if I had 3 bills and I owed $80
April Gas : $20
march Food: $40
March Gas $20
I could select "March Food" and settle up all my previous payments (march food and gas) and after it would look like this
you Owe $20
April Gas : $20
Rich paid $60
march Food: $40
March Gas $20

We’re not currently planning to add something like this as we believe it would not be used by many users and would therefore unnecessarily complicate the interface. If this idea gets a lot of votes, we’ll reconsider.
Fernando Maia commented
Anyone that settle expenses on an specific recurring period (e.g. last day of every month) would benefit from that.
The workaround is extremely annoying and laborious: moving unsettled expenses one by one, settling, and then moving back
Chad commented
If we put future expense like a final payment for a vacation rental, we can't settle up based on expenses that have been realized to date.
Henry commented
It would be good to be able to settle up to a specific date of transactions. If I don't settle up the whole amount the list of transactions stays in the list
Akshay Vasant commented
While settling a bill give us a check box to show that the bill was settled. Because many a times I don't remember if I have paid it back or not. The history of payment will keep it easy enough to remember who paid what and when. The only way now to settle is to delete the instance of lending money and that's totally useless.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I have settled up a few months worth of bills by accident, is there any way of reversing the process?
Abdullah Shaheen commented
My splitwise friend might have agreed to settle up on a particular date. But , there could be a possibility that we both might forget on that day as agreed. An option for scheduling a reminder well earlier would help me do it then and there. so that my friend gets notified on the settling date
Ken Van Eesbeek commented
I also think this is a good idea, sometimes you insert expenses in the future (because payed by credit card) or you want to give the other payers a little more time. With this feature it would be possible to close-out until today, but keep the future ones open.