Have possibility to settle up anytime
Consider such scenario - we agree with friends that we will order food, orderer will create bill in future, but I want to pay (settle up) in advance. Currently there are 2 ways of improvement which will allow me paying in advance:
1. (very small fix) Remove notification which blocks settle up when you are already settled up with someone,
2. (a little bigger) Allow to settle up in group and choose who pays whom.
Update: you can now enter a payment with anyone in a group by going to settle up and clicking on more options at the bottom. To add a payment with any friend, you will need to use the non-group expenses entry in the groups list and settle up from there.
Hey Piotr, thanks for the suggestion! That definitely makes sense, and I know we’ve wanted to add that feature for a while – you can already do it from our website, just not from our mobile apps. Hopefully we’ll have time to add the feature to our mobile apps soon. In the meantime, sorry for the inconvenience!