Periodic payments
I have to add the same amount for Comcast and electricity bill every month. It would be nice to have a periodic payment for such types of bill

Hey there! I can’t quite tell from your description – are you trying to add a recurring bill (e.g. a cable bill that’s the same cost every month), or a recurring payment to another Splitwise user (e.g. you pay back your friend $50 every week)? We don’t support recurring payments to friends right now, but we do support recurring bills: just click on the date when adding or editing a bill, and you’ll see options to make that bill recur weekly/monthly/etc. Hope that helps!
Jerro thomas commented
setting up recurring payments for fixed bills like Comcast and electricity would be convenient.
HappyEuro commented
setting up recurring payments for fixed bills like Comcast and electricity would be convenient.
Otis Saint commented
can i integrate it with ?
brianmckay commented
The plan will be terminated and your service will be cut off if a payment isn't made within four days. Your repayment plan will be cancelled if you don't pay your normal monthly fees; this will cause service interruptions.
Anonymous commented
Any news ?
Adrian commented
Most of our subscriptions come out of one person's bank account. I'd like to be able to reflect that I have a monthly recurring settlement to that person.
Eg. Person A pays Netflix, Spotify, Internet monthly (known total amount)
Person B schedules monthly settle to Person A (known amount) -
James Thorpe commented
Add the functionality to be able to add recurring payments. This would allow for where group members have set up standing orders to cover regular bill payments. As an example, one member was paying the energy bill of 100 a month in a group of 4 then each group member would pay a standard order of 25 a month to the bill payer. Then each quarter or month say, the bill payer posts the actual cost of the energy and any true-up payment is calculated. In addition, if regular costs are also set up (equal to the recurring payments) then no variance would accrue. Then the bill payer could enter the actual bill and Splitwise deduct the accrued expected amount / replace the expected amount. This has the same effect as before allowing the group the true up their bills.
Amy Schwab commented
I would like to set up automatic payments once I have a balance in my account
Sanka commented
Since you have recurring expenses, it would really make sense to have recurring payments. I have to remember to add my rent payment to splitwise every month to make sure everything settles up, even though it's a standing order from my bank! Please add this feature, especially if you were planning on working on it in the very near future in 2012!
James commented
Any updates on this functionality?
Marcus commented
I need recurrent payments (cash payments) to reproduce standing orders. In my group one person pays regularly a lot more than the other, so the other members have standing orders to him every month.
At the moment I have to use expenditures for this, but that adulterates the statistics/analyses. -
Sarva commented
Auto pay will be useful for those who are having loans and they can track their emi's here itself
David commented
I noticed this post was from 4 years ago, and I still don't see any way to do recurring payments. Has that feature been abandoned entirely?
JJ commented
I would love the ability to setup and auto pay feature that is linked to a reoccurring expense. Say for rent, every month the set amount is automatically sent to the other person.
Im not sure what limitations would need to be overcome but if it were possible that would be amazing.
Bruno commented
Would also love to see this implemented! Makes perfect sense that you can add recurring bills, that you can also set recurring events to settle up.
Zev Goldstein commented
I also have an automatic reccuring payment set up (through dwolla) to pay my share of my family's phone bill. I'd love to be able to set up a reccurring payment in splitwise to keep track of this. I worked around it by setting up a reccurring "You owe me" instead, but obviously what I'm really trying to do is record a recurring payment.
P.S. last update in July said "very near future". Any update on when we might see this feature?
AdminSplitwise Support (-, Splitwise) commented
I'm happy to say that we're working on that in the very near future!
We have a big site redesign and some other stuff we're wrapping up, and that's one of the next tasks in the queue:)
Anonymous commented
Whoops, can't believe I wrote feedback. I meant recurring payments!
IE I've set up my bank to pay my flat mate the rent on thr first of every month. Would be good tO set that up as a recurring payment.
Anonymous commented
You have the recurring expenses about recurring payments?
I think it would be very useful! Thanks for the good site.