Make simplify debts more accessible
The simplify debts feature is excellent and I use it all the time. However, It's currently hidden in the settings menu and I think that it should be out front and center for everyone to see!

We’ve actually made this feature less accessible over time as we found any people we’re confused by this. We are working on some changes to make it more understandable and will probably make it easier to turn on when we think we’ve got a good explanation for it.
Didier Loiseau commented
It’s crazy that the most useful feature of Splitwise is hidden like that, and there is no way to enable it by default!
Even if some people might be confused by it, I don’t understand how people don’t get even more confused when it is disabled?? I’m sure this is making Splitwise lose customers to other apps that enable it by default.
I got used to enable it every time I create a new group, but this is still a big annoyance, at best!
Charlie Scott commented
Mukund Tibrewala commented
Why does Simplify Debts default to off when I create a new group?! I see this as one of the most valuable features of Splitwise, so I believe it should be on. When I'm creating a new group, I sometimes forget to switch that on -- I imagine it's especially confusing for new users, since the button is hidden behind the "advanced settings" submenu. Why would you hide one of your biggest features behind a submenu?
Celia Guix commented
Hi Splitwise team! We’ve reverently used your app with a group os 13 friends. The person who introduced the data did everything correctly, but upon settling up we got several payments which did not make sense (some people owed and were owed money, and the same person was owed and owed multiple payments of small amounts). We realised this was due to this setting not being active, but at that point people had started to make payments already and it was all quite chaotic. Therefore, our suggestion, given one of the major features of this app is the simplified payment mechanism, is that you set this to active by default to avoid such situations. Many thanks!!
Jack commented
It is ridiculous that the 'Simplify Debts' option is buried in the Advanced Settings section. It should be under the Settle Up button, as almost everybody will use this feature to reduce the number of payments they need to make in order to settle up. Please change Splitwise to include Simplify Debts by default, when you click the Settle Up button. If you want to allow people to avoid this great feature, maybe have a link to avoid the Simplify Debt feature. However, Simplify Debts is the only reason i consider Splitwise to be a benefit. Thanks, Jack
Guillaume Drugeot commented
In my past 1,5 years using SW, I always had to access a very complex menu navigation to get simplified debts on.
I recommend turning it on by default or at least having a quick button to turn it on.