Auto-detect category by querying previous expenses
For example, imagine I go to a restaurant called "Alice and Bob".
1st time I add an expense, I type "Alice and Bob" in the Description and select "Dining out" as category.
2nd time, I type "Alice and Bob" the app may select "Dining out" by itself.
Splitwise is still awesome without this feature, but it would definitely be something nice to have!

Thanks for the suggestion! Yep, this definitely makes sense – right now, we auto-detect certain words like “dinner”, but we don’t do any intelligent matching based on your past expenses. I’m not sure how technically involved this would be, but I’ll add it to our list of possible improvements for the future :)
Hektor Hamelton commented
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TP commented
I would also like to add my vote to this request. For example, my recurring monthly Splitwise fee.
As it doesn't automatically create a category, I file Splitwise under TV/Phone/Internet. That's never going to change, so why can't I save or link that category? -
Julia Hood commented
This would be helpful. Somehow the app automatically recognizes “Trader Joes” without the apostrophe as a ‘groceries’ purchase, but when I type it in accurately as “Trader Joe’s,” I have to manually add the category. I know I’m nuts for accuracy, but it would be helpful for it to automatically remember categories on repeat payees.
Martin commented
This feature is would indeed be very useful.
Just wanted to add a feature request :).It would be very handy if Splitwise would interpret words that have been used in the past and preset its category automatically.
Are you still planning to add the feature?
Pol Dellaiera commented
It would also be nice to have an auto complete dropdown when typing Alice and Bob...
Ana commented
The app should be able to change automatically the icon for the expenses with the same name.
Dana Breseman commented
I'm especially interested in this because having my expenses correctly categorized would make it much easier for personal expense tracking apps like Mint to integrate splitwise
Simon commented
Strongly support this suggestion, would make categorisation far easier and personalised.
Of course the user may have the opportunity to overwrite the category, but I suspect in most instances it would be correct.
Oana Barahtian commented
Instead of choosing every time the category for a specific payment, if a keyword is identified in the description it should populate the category automatically.
Chandra commented
Problem statement: Every time when I enter like grocery store name I need to select category like grocery icon while entering amount but when I select electricity it selects icon automatically.
Solution: give category mapping in settings like I will enter name and select category symbol accordingly so that next time Jst entering name automatically respective symbol will be selected
Martín Coll commented
I usually type in the same restaurant or bars or electricity company names, and I never get a suggestion for a category.
Picking up suggestions from previous expenses would make categorization many times faster. -
anton martinez commented
Saving often expenses with the proper category sign, i.e. The name of the supermarket where u usually do the shopping with the sign for groceries; the name of the bar u go everyweek with the sign category for drinks.
Casey commented
this would be so useful. we go to the same supermarket often, and we always type the name of the category. my partner never selects a category so I always must go back and choose the groceries category. i tell her to right "<name> groceries" but she often forgets. of splitwise would just learn that "<name>" is groceries and auto categorize this would be so awesome.
Don Quijote commented
Automatic category logo by user history.
I often write the same descriptions, but the descriptions are not regonized by Splitwise so there is no automatic pick of category. My idea is that you automatic pick the users last logo for that descriptions.
This would make it a lot easier for me and other users. But also for you at Splitwise since the need to update the list for automatic pick logo will decrease. Once the user entered the description once the logo is there for you.
Junjie Ying commented
To add this function and keep it simple and just enough, just track and count users’ items. No text search, no complicated algorithm, just count the exact items make a dictionary to record them. That’ll enough to make life so much easier.
Steven Såbbe Fjordstrøm commented
I hope too this would be possible!
Anonymous commented
This would be a great idea. If you only looked at the past 30 days of expenses to determine which category an expense should go in to then, if you wanted to change the category, you'd only need to adjust an entry a couple of times for the new change to "stick".
Joana Maia commented
I think that this app should have the option to just select the categorie when adding a expense. There is no need for a description of every expense that is added.
Erwin Mayer commented
+3, it is a pain to select "Groceries" each time when entering "Coldstorage" or "Fairprice". Or "Healthcare" for "Doctor". Or Taxi for "Grab"...
The app could simply provide these smart categories like autocompletion works for IDEs, so the user can easily select among several candidates (if any), or opt out of the classification (but probably never).
This shouldn't be too difficult to implement this. If you open source your code I am happy to do it.
It would also help make custom categories scalable and easily reused. -
Steve commented
I also tend to type the name of the restaurant or electricity or water company rather than the words electricity or water. This feature would definitely enhance splitwise and make it feel even more intelligent.