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  1. 985 votes

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    273 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    An update: we’re still not planning to add the concept of a payment for a specific bill or a specific expense. We’ve left this idea under review for many years, but we’re not convinced it’s the right idea for Splitwise. We think focusing on a total balance makes things simpler in most cases. This is also how a bank balance works.

    Here’s two potential work-arounds if you’re not satisfied:

    1. Let’s say you want to set things up so you can see if people have specifically paid for a certain bill, or for a certain month of expenses. You can create a group just for that bill or month – then, when viewing that group, you will only see balances owed from that specific bill or set of bills.

    2. Once you pay an amount and want to keep track of it being for a certain bill, you could use…

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    Crowly commented  · 

    Ao escolher o melhor papel de parede para a sala, busco opções que transformem esse espaço em um refúgio acolhedor e estiloso. Um catálogo de papel de parede para sala pode oferecer uma ampla gama de escolhas, como padrões geométricos para um toque moderno e sofisticado. Além disso, as estampas florais podem trazer uma sensação de frescor e leveza, trazendo a natureza para dentro de casa. Para um ambiente elegante e requintado, os papéis de parede com texturas suaves, como linho ou seda, são uma excelente escolha. Para aqueles que desejam uma sala mais ousada, os papéis de parede com estampas artísticas ou abstratas podem criar um ponto focal impressionante. Independentemente do estilo escolhido, o papel de parede certo pode transformar a sala em um espaço verdadeiramente único e especial.

  2. 647 votes

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    61 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    We’re definitely considering Bitcoin! We think cryptocurrencies are fascinating (seriously, we’ve held a Providence meet-up about them), and it’s something on our list of possible improvements for the future.

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    Crowly commented  · 

    Szukasz odpowiednich fototapet dla nastolatków? Mamy wiele wspaniałych opcji, które idealnie pasują do ich stylu i zainteresowań. Jednym z najpopularniejszych wyborów jest tapeta piłkarska, która ożywi ich pokój i wyrazi ich pasję do tego sportu. Jeśli szukasz czegoś innego, warto rozważyć tapetę graffiti, która doda miejskiego charakteru i stylu. Alternatywnie, tapeta z motywem zwierząt lub natury przyniesie do pokoju przyjemny klimat i wrażenie bliskości przyrody. Jeśli Twoje dziecko interesuje się muzyką, tapeta z motywem muzycznym lub słynnych artystów może być doskonałym wyborem. Niezależnie od tego, jakie zainteresowania ma Twoje dziecko, istnieje wiele fantastycznych fototapet, które pomogą stworzyć dla niego inspirujące i przytulne miejsce. Znajdź tapetę, która najlepiej odzwierciedla ich osobowość i pasje, aby ich pokój stał się prawdziwym miejscem wyrazu i indywidualności.

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    Crowly commented  · 

    Thanks to the cryptocurrencies, in which I invested in 2017, I managed to make a major overhaul of the apartment, I was even able to finally paste the sky wallpaper in the kitchen, which I had wanted for so long!

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    Crowly commented  · 

    Yes, Bitcoin is the future! Already, even in online casinos like casino Mate ( you can make deposits and play with cryptocurrencies, this greatly simplifies all transactions!

  3. 955 votes

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    152 comments  ·  General » Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We just added a very basic calculator function to our web app, so you can now use basic mathematical operations when entering a cost (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). We hope to add similar features to our mobile apps at some point in the future!

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    Crowly commented  · 

    I agree that the site calculator is very useful in all situations! Even for example, calculate the height and width as in the wallpaper catalog

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