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869 results found

  1. Pull utility infor from company

    In a roommate situation it can be helpful if this site would pull the our bill payment and due date from the utility company itself and send reminders. This way all roommates have the same info will no worries that another roommate jsut made up something. And this can be kept on file in the groups folder if anyone has a dispute. Example of someone that does this already is paydivvy.

    3 votes

    We are in the process of trying to integrate Splitwise more with all types of billing and expenses.

    This seems like a natural addition to some of the ways we’re trying to get Splitwise involved in bill integration.

  2. Add how much is owed to the complex.

    When you have a bill, unless it's already paid, you can't enter the amounts. It errors if the amounts paid don't equal the amount due even if it is a future bill.

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  3. 3 votes

    This seems like a useful feature that would make life easier. We’ve talked about having the infinity scroll when it comes the past expenses of the groups. Currently it’s not scheduled, but it’s on our list of things to do down the road.

  4. sorting on the transaction table

    I would like to suggest that more easier methods of viewing my transaction data would be useful.

    For example: when I am looking at my friends page and there is a list of transaction indicating the money in three categories
    1 - "I owe" in Red
    2 - "I'm owed" in green
    3 - "payment reported" with no color.

    I would be useful, if I could sort based on the above mentioned 3 categories.

    3 votes

    I really like this idea, I think that sorting transactions by different ways would be really useful for quick tracking. I’ll bring it up at our next meeting and see if/where it fits on our schedule.

  5. List view for past expenses

    I would love to see a list view of all past individual transactions for each individual in our group, rather than only the graph view currently displayed.

    3 votes
  6. Sync with Gmail contacts when entering email addresses for a group

    When I create a group, I should be able to access Gmail contacts when I enter their addresses

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  7. 3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Sending a reminder to the entire group makes sense, and we’re planning on adding push notifications at some point (though probably not text message notifications). Thanks for the suggestions!

  8. update pdf summaries of the months

    the pdf summaries don't include rollover payments from previous months (if my roommates still owe me money last month it won't show effectively when looking at the pdf this month). also it says i owe my roommate when she actually paid me back for things she owes me for. the site is great, but if i ever needed to print out the pdf it would be all wrong.

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  9. Allow a bill to send email notification to all involved

    I see that you don't want to spam by enabling email notifications by default, but what if you allow the bill creator to check a box saying "notify all involved in this bill," and when you send the email, say "User X asked us to send this to you" (or something to that effect).

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    This a decent suggestion – I’ll pass it on, though I’m not sure it’ll get on the roadmap in the near future. We tend to err on the side of caution, because when we send emails without users’ permission, we often get flagged as spam or have to deal with angry replies :( But this makes sense, and would definitely be useful.

  10. Debt Balancing

    Debt simplification is awesome, but can get out of hand when people don't pay back their debts as the money can end up getting funneled to one person.

    For example:
    In our situation we have a group for our apartment. We take advantage of splitwise so that people can easily buy things for other people and know its covered. We also have a recurring payment for rent which is paid by to one person (A) who then pays the bill itself. At the end of each month if everyone zeros out it's perfect. However if someone (B) comes up short…

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    We’ve generally been careful not to add more features to debt simplification, since it already confuses a lot of people, but I’ll pass on this suggestion and see what the team thinks. Thanks for the idea!

  11. Remind

    I would like to have a remind function with detailed information of each transacton.

    3 votes

    Great idea! So basically, send reminder would include more “why” details, perhaps a line by line summary of transactions?

    The idea of things at present is that the Splitwise interface itself is the “why” story – but we realize it could probably be better. Thanks for the suggestion.

  12. to give a added feature of getting monthly expence made by each person after or before the settlement.

    this features helps us to track our monthly expenses individually. And also the group expenses spent monthly. That is if I add a bill the flow should go on as it is working now additionally there should be extra feature which keeps individual expenses which should be highlighted in our profile. And after settlements also it should get adjusted automatically then individual person can know how much he has spent for a month. For example :
    in a group of 3, all will be adding there bills but there is be no indication of individual expense, so by adding this…

    3 votes
    under review  ·  0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  13. allow recipient to mark pending payments as complete

    I have a payment from someone listed as pending and it says the funds have not been transferred because the person did not complete the payment on PayPal.

    However, I did already receive the PayPal payment and withdrew the money into my bank.

    I don't see an option to fix/update the "pending" to "complete".

    3 votes

    I’ll pass on this suggestion at our next team meeting. I’m sorry the payment didn’t automatically get marked as complete – we should have received a notification from PayPal when the payment went through. If you send us an email at, I’d be happy to go in and manually mark the payment as complete for you.

  14. to make it possible to edit the remind email

    Your app is now already in my favorite top 5 list, but it would be nice to add one more feature.
    When I send a remind email, a standard text is already suggested. It's possible to edit that text but it would be really handy to change the standard text so I dont have to edit it every time I want to send the email.
    I already asked this question but I think I wasn't clear about what I meant.
    Thanks to make such a great app!

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Aha, got it – thanks for the suggestion! I don’t think we’ve heard this idea before, so I’ll pass it on at our next team meeting, and see if it’s something we want to add to our to-do list.

  15. Separate the total owed per person

    I think it's quite intimidating to see the total amount owed for all persons as a lump sum. Could we have the option to choose how we see that amount? For example have the option to see the total owed to one friend at time on the home page instead of the amount owed to all persons. This should be for both the mobile and the browser versions

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion and the feedback – it’s interesting to hear you find seeing the total intimidating. We use that total on mobile as a navigational element as well (tapping on total, total owed and total you are owed filters the list of friends), so we’re not likely to remove this in the short or medium term. But it’s interesting and I’ll leave this open to see if others also feel this way. Thanks! – Jon

  16. Make it easy to by from a group

    This can be done by adding a expense paid by multiple people, each person paid for their own share and split by (the person buying). I have previously done this using negative values, but it never seemed to really be supported.

    A quick fix would be to add the "each person paid for their own share" to mobile (iPhone, dono if the Android version has it).

    3 votes

    Makes sense! I’ve actually started work on a feature like this, but I’m not sure exactly when it will be released. (Group buy/reimbursement transactions are very rare in general, so a few other things have taken priority.) Hopefully soon, though!

  17. Show "Balances" initially collapsed

    The default display when choosing the "Balances" window it's to show who owes whom. For our coffee club it is more convenient to list each member's balance only (and not also say who that member owes our it's owed an amount). If the members balances are listed we can easily determine who should pay for coffee next...the one with the highest debt.

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Hmm…it looks like our iPhone app does this already (it collapses all but the first person’s balances), but our Android app doesn’t. I’ll pass on your feedback and see if that’s a change we can make in a future update.

  18. Attachments

    Allow downloading of attachments on the web version along with the excel file

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  19. Make "Simplify Debts" not hidden under "advanced options" on the group creation page

    Currently, on the new group creation page (, you must click "advanced options" before seeing the "Simplify Debts" toggle. Because it's not readily visible, I've seen several fellow users forget to turn simplify on when they meant to.

    Also, it seems a bit redundant to have an advanced options link since the simplify toggle is currently the only option.

    I understand why simplify is buried in the settings after the group is created (to prevent members from toggling too frequently and confusing the rest of the group), but it doesn't seem this is an issue during the creation phase.


    3 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Hey Ian – thanks for the feedback! I definitely understand where you’re coming from, though figuring out how much to prioritize “simplify debts” has been an ongoing question for us, and we’ve tried it a lot of different ways over time. Even with its current semi-hidden placement, there are a significant number of people who turn it on without fully understanding what it does, and who then email us about their balances “not adding up correctly”.

    Still, we hope to keep improving on it! We have some ideas that might help explain it better to the people who get confused, and we’ll probably be trying some of those out early next year. Moving the placement of the setting might be part of that process. In the meantime, apologies for the trouble!

  20. Avatar for friends in group

    Cannot add a picture to friends in group

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →



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