869 results found
Allow swapping out users
Maybe this is a feature, but if it is I'm having a very hard time finding it. I have a trip with some friends, but it turns out I added the wrong person with a similar name. We realized this after already adding expenses, so this random user is listed as owing expenses.
It appears that I'm unable to remove that user in favor of another user, and I'm unable to transfer the debt from the erroneous user to the correct user.
Is this already a feature?
1 vote -
Add details about the group types
I cant tell what difference choosing one group type over another does. What does a Home vs Couple vs Trip do, if anything, when I select it for my group? I also cant find any documentation in the splitwise site.
Please add a tool tip or some information about what this decision does.1 vote -
Are expenses settled between groups?
I would suggest that expenses wouldn't be settled between groups. e.g. if User A owes User B 100$ in group X, I wouldn't want it to be settled in group Y... Is that the case? if not, I would want it to be configured so the users can decide if it should be done or not, with default to No
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Rearrange member order in a group
I noticed that from time to time, the order of appearance of members of a Group changes. I cannot explain what exactly triggers this, but I noticed that it happened after I created another group (let's call it Group 2) that included members from Group 1.
It is particularly annoying because I got used to the order in which members appear in the Split options list and therefore it messes it all up.
I cannot find a way to rearrange the order to be as it was previously, could you implement this option or explain how to prevent the order…
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iOS Widget to add an expense
It would be great if there were an iOS widget so you could quickly add an expense right from the Home Screen.
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Whenever i use your app , I always get confused in one flow
And that is when someone makes a payment it always shows borrow or it doesn’t appear automatically settle up.
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Download expenses per month
It is only possible to download ALL expenses since the beginning of my subscription and only in a totally unusable excel file that needs to be somehow converted first. I really need a function to download expenses per month in a simple PDF so I can verify entries easily.
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Temporary phone number
Where can I buy a temporary phone number? Faced with the question of how to register an account. It requires a confirmation by SMS. But what to do if I don't want to indicate my personal phone number
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Auto populate share amount when editing Split
When editing a precious Split. I would like to have the share amount auto populate. You could either store the original shares input, or just use the split dollar amount (since that should be the same as the shares in application).
Please ask for any clarifications.
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Have the menu areas be sticky and the center transaction area be scrollable
anything that you have to scroll to the top to do like adding an expense changing account etc should be static and the transaction portion should scroll. I can help with this if given access! :)
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Edit expense with unsubscribed / permanently deleted user
I would like to edit an expense that has an unsubscribed / permanently deleted user in it who has since been removed from the group. I can not edit the transaction since they are no longer in the group, and I can not add them back to the group because their account is deleted. If I remembered their original email, I could actually add them back, but I don't and I can't see what the original email address was anywhere else in the UI even though the name shows up everywhere in old transactions.
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Add support for moving items up and down
Please add a button on every transaction to move the items up and down easily so that it can be easily organized in an user-defined order.
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This expense has not yet synced with the server
This expense has not yet synced with the server
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Couple: option to pay with two accounts simultaneously
Add the opportunity to pay with two accounts (equally). II think this solves the couple issue when payed with a joint bank account, all other features remain.
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Unselecting group members when splitting the expense doesn't work. Just defaults to automatically select all
The app doesn't allow you to unselect on person when choosing split equally. After unselecting on person and confirming it still shows split equally.
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minimize the number of transactions after all expenses have been entered
We group of 5 families A,B,C,D,E recently took a trip and each family paid for different stuff for the whole group.
At the end of trip we entered our expenses. A owes money to E
B owes to A and E
Instead to A transferring money to E and B transfering to A and E
it makes sense for B to transfer money to E that includes what A owes to E as well.
Before this app, I have managed this with a google sheet by plugging in formulas and there were fewer transactions needed.1 vote -
Is there a way to find a spend pattern per each person view ?
Is there a way to find a spend pattern per each person view ?
For example,
From the total expense of Person 1, he/she spends 10% on Transport, 40% on Room Rent, 30% on Shopping, 20% on Personal Stuffs.
From the total expense of Person 2, he/she spends 10% on Transport, 40% on Room Rent, 20% on Casino Gambling, 10% on Liquor, 10% on Personal Stuffs, 10% on Sky Diving.
so on and so forth..
1 vote -
Allow for deposits to be deducted from expenses
Example: 2 of 6 people paid deposit or bill, when it’s time to settle up, how do we take the 2 peoples contribution into the split since all the bills are itemized. How do we avoid double billing those 2 who paid deposits for the entire group?
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to enable function where we could select specific items to “settle-up”
I’m not sure if this function is only available for the “pro” version but I believe it would be more useful if we could select specific items we could settle up the bills on. (i.e. I may only want to settle up the bills for item 1 and item 3, but not item 2 yet).
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keep doing what you're doing!
hey guys just letting you know that splitwise is probably the best thing that happened to us in terms of software this year!
my boyfriend and i started using splitwise to manage our expenses for our apartment, and loved it. it soon migrated to their office, where about 10 people now form a group and use it regularly.
now we use it in our friendship circles as well and we know at least one other sharehouse is on board.
splitwise has made living, working and hanging out together easy and has taken the stress out of money issues, as well…
0 votesHey Amelia,
Thank you for the kind feedback – it’s honestly a pleasure to hear that Splitwise has been so helpful to you!
We definitely are planning to do both better emails and SMS-based alerts and invitations for the non smart phone users and for people who like that method of doing things.
Just one clarification: do you mean a non-smartphone way to add bills (like an SMS version of quick add) on the go? We haven’t planned on that yet, so if that’s the suggestion, please write back and let us know.
Cheers and thanks!