Add a refund or reimbursement to the mobile apps

Thanks for posting – fair enough request. Can’t promise a timeline at the moment but it’s a logical feature idea.
Yohann commented
Hello Splitwise team,
Firstly, I want to thank all of you because your app is very helpful and pretty easy to understand. This app saves a lot of time for me and my flatmates !
I just have a suggestion about the Android app, just the right to put a negative amount when we have to reimburse guys from any previous wrong expenses or any other stuffs.Yo
Eiko Wagenknecht commented
Please add the functionality to enter refunds or reimbursements to the app as well. It could be as simple as allowing to enter a negative expense (i.e. -50EUR). That was the intuitive way that multiple friends of mine tried and failed because negative amounts are not allowed currently.
Ann-Kathrin Müller commented
We sometimes sell old stuff from our shared apartment. would be cool if you could integrate a selling function for incomes :)
Rikki commented
I can add a negative expense in a group but not with an arbitrary list of people.
Geva Zeichner commented
Please add it, I need it too. :)
Also please note that the current reimbursements in the web app is a little confusing. It lists everyone as payers. Instead of just saying "Geva refunded $10" or "Geva paid -$10" -
Matteo commented
Hi Splitwise team, I think your app is great so please keep on improving!
Sometimes it would be useful to split common earnings. Let's say we go on a trip by car and we share the ride with bla bla car; how do we split the profit? It shouldn't be a hard feature, in the end it's just a +/- sign :)
Greg commented
Thanks splitwise. I need this option too! My example is whenever I go on trips with a bunch of people, there is usually a security deposit coming back to 1 person, and then I need to parse it out. This time I have to split it up by 14 people, and would love to be able to enter it into Splitwise.
Anonymous commented
I use Splitwise to handle rent on a shared practice space with my band (as a Splitwise Group). We put all cash we make on gigs against our shared rent. I'd love to be able to add a "negative bill" - or simply a cash-in - that pays against the debt of the group and everyone's share would go down.
As the band leader, I front the expense of the space and would like to track the different expenses.
Erez commented
why not add an "income" option?
icoleslaw commented
We really, really need this feature in our cooperative house, to allow us to handle money received from subletters who are not on splitwise. Perhaps there could be an advanced setting to enable negative balances?
Anonymous commented
It is currently not possible to enter negative amounts when creating an expense from the mobile app (at least on iOS). This would be very useful for recording money received, e.g. for selling common property.