Unequal Bill Dividing Calculation
One of my most common tasks with Splitwise is dividing a bill unequally with one other person. It would be very handy if entering the amount for one person would automatically calculate the remaining amount owed for the other individual.
Whoops, we’re still considering this idea. It does sounds like a useful improvement in the add expense form.
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Nicolas commented
How is this idea not implemented yet, almost 9 years after its submission, and 5 years after the support acknowledged it ? I just started using Splitwise as a replacement for a very famous competitor because I hate their GUI, and I already miss this feature, which the competitor has.
Nomad commented
This should be logical way of splitting the bills
Tidus Le commented
Why don't we have a feature like: someone shares exact amount, then share equally to the rest of amount for the rest of people?
I find the feature Itemized Share is quite useful, but it's not available on mobile app.
For example:
My group has 7 people. 5 of them went out for dinner.
So I'll choose the name of those 5 people.
Total of bill is $201 person share exactly $9
so the rest $11 automatically shares for the rest of people.1: $9
2: $2.75
3: $2.75
4: $2.75
5: $2.75 -
Gauthier Roebroeck commented
On top of that, it would be nice to be able to enter first the unequal amounts, and if all of them are entered, compute the bill total.
For now you always have to enter the bill amount first, then the split. -
Niccer commented
there are tons of use cases for this. maybe a simple calculator would be the best.
Ujwal Gattupalli commented
When the amount has to be split unequally between me and my friend, automatically calculate the balance of the other user when we update on one user.
Michael Tyznik commented
I would also like this feature.
Egidio Caprino commented
I would like this feature too.
Jonathan Asby commented
I'd suggest using slider controls in the UI to make this easy on a mobile.
Suraj commented
We used to have an xls to manage expenses. We have now moved to Splitwise. This is the one feature we are missing.
Out of 5 guys, one guy might have to pay some exact amount. It would be good if the remaining amount can be split equally between the others by default.
At least it will help with filling in the last number for most users.
Whitney Braunstein commented
If I want to split the bill unevenly, it would be great to be able to say "Joe owes $25 dollars" and then split it evenly among the rest. Right now it just gives me the amount left over, and then I have to figure out how to divide it evenly among the rest of the group.