173 results found
Put icons in front of categroy list
Icons in front of categories (when selecting one for your expense) make it easier to pick the right one, or just select a nice icon for that expense.
7 votes -
Attachment option: to attach a copy for the bill
When working in big groups and specially with some people in the group who you do not know too well, it would be good to have a option where in while entering the amount there is an upload bill option. With this all people in the group can see where the money was spent and is the claim genuine.
7 votesThis feature is already available on both iOS and Android.
While adding a bill, look for a camera icon or receipt option, this allows you to take a picture of the bill and attach it along with the transaction. This picture is then permanently recorded with the expense, and is available to all users involved in the expense.
Export data to spreadsheet directly from app
To see how money was spent and make critical reviews.
7 votesUpdate: This is now available on iPhone and Android!
We hear you loud and clear! Spreadsheet export will soon be available on iPhone, and a bit later on Android.
Right now, you CAN export to spreadsheet but only on the website. You can do this by going to the group/friend in question, then clicking on the settings “gear” in the upper right, then “Export as spreadsheet.”
Jon -
Monthly payments
Monthly payment details and settling up monthly wise will very helpful
7 votes -
Group totals should include non-default currencies
View group totals should show all currencies, not just the default one
7 votesUpdate: on mobile, groups now show all balances on the group screen.
This makes total sense – leaving it under review to see how many other users need this.
Jon -
Splitwise in spanish?
It could be possible?
7 votesIt’s here if you haven’t found it already.
Recording a payment
Suppose A paid B a sum of $ x. When that payment is recorded, the mobile app, in my opinion, incorrectly says "B paid A $ x". It should be the other way round. Its confusing if you put it that way. The overall balances settle up correctly but the description of the payment on the Android app is confusing.
6 votesWhoops, we fixed this a while ago, sorry for the late response here!
Show us all the Data.
I noticed today that there are just last 5 months of data and transactions are shown what if I need to see more or all the transaction since I joined the split-wise.
Please advice and have us an ability to select how much data you wants to see and you can store that data on our phone. Not on your server.
Thank You,
KruPesh Patel6 votesSorry for the confusion! Splitwise actually keeps all of your data indefinitely – if you’re no longer seeing an old expense, it’s most likely because someone else deleted that bill, or because an old group was automatically hidden due to inactivity.
If you’d like to download a copy of your data, you can always export any group or friend to a spreadsheet on our website. Just log in, click on a friend or group in the left sidebar, then click the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar and choose “Export as spreadsheet”.
Color coded transactions in iPhone app
Presently the transactions are not color coded for debit and credit for individual people inside the iPhone App. Its difficult to differentiate without color coding. Good idea to have color coding for these transactions. It can be similar to the color coding on dash board.
6 votesThere is now a color-coded byline on each expense in the list.
Provide Graphs on various spending trends
Great app to use. Would be helpful if we get an option to view graphs on spending trends.
6 votes -
Allow multiple payers for bills on Android version
Right now on the web app, you can enter multiple payers for a new expense. Unfortunately, the Android version doesn't support that feature.
6 votesMultiple payers are fully supported in the latest version of our Android app. Thanks for your patience!
Show only those friends on home page which either owe me money or to whom I owe money. Other friends can be hidden under 'old.......friends'
Currently, when I select All Balances.. in the drop down above my friends list you show friends with whom I've settled up balances too. You should only show those friends who either owe me money or to whom I owe money. Other friends can be hidden in that menu at bottom. Like that, the list will shrink and will probably show me in one view all friends with pending balances..
6 votesThanks for the suggestion! Friends who you have been settled up with for more than 40 days should automatically get hidden as you describe.
Monthly total expenses
In All expenses field we can see the expenses for the month but it doesn't have the total expenses.
Instead of manual calculation if you could provide total expenses for every month then it would be great!
6 votesThis is now available on all of our platforms!
Improve performance
I tried splitwise mobile but app is very slow, please try to improve performance.
6 votesWe just made some infrastructure improvements that should speed things up.
depreciation calculator
When we quit house, there will be some purchases made for room like TV, Refrigerator etc. And any one guy will take this. We need depreciation calculator so that we can calculate its worth when we are leaving and the guy who is taking that can pay us.
5 votesThanks for the suggestion!
Check out our furniture calculator available here:
If you want to understand how the algorithm works, here’s a post about it:
Sync users' email and phone numbers.
Some of my friends have registered using their email IDs and others have used their phone #s. Every time I add a friend, I am required to enter the correct credentials with which they have registered.
It would make a great app much better if these details could be synced automatically.
One way could be to take the user's permission and update the phone number upon installation/update.5 votesOur system remembers the multiple email addresses and phone number a user has associated with their Splitwise account so they can be added by any of these pieces of information. However, these are still dependent on the user adding them or accepting an invite from another email address. Also be aware that they are under the control of the user so they can be removed from their account if they do not want this information there which will prevent them from being added by it.
Highlight settled up entries
Whenever someone settles up with another person, the entries whose total has been settled-up should be highlighted (or greyed out). Currently, when I check the entries with a particular person, I still see even the settled-up entries in a similar format as before settling and it gets confusing to identify whether a particular entry has been settled up or not.
Thanks and looking forward to implementation of this feature as I don't really think it is too complicated.
5 votesAll platforms will now hide bills that are settled up behind a click.
Design the app around the new IOS 7 design. I've seen so many apps take advantage of the new design and come out with incredible improvements
5 votesThe app now feels like an iOS 7 app.
Curreny Update
Currency is shown as USD even if i select INR. same thing is getting reflected when i checked online.
5 votesCurrencies should now get displayed correctly on all platforms. If you are still having issues, please contact
5 votes
For US users, the mobile app imports phone numbers and allows you to invite friends with those phone numbers. Outside the US, we do not automatically import phone numbers, as we’ve found there’s a very high failure rate with sending international SMS messages (lots of people fail to include their country code in the number, or enter a phone number that cannot receive SMS messages).