173 results found
Allow partial payments
sometimes my friends pay x out of (x+y) amount. I need an option to record partial payments
1 voteHey thanks for the feedback! When you are settling up you can edit the amount to do a partial payment.
1 vote
Hey – It sounds like you may be looking for our “simplify debts” feature, which reshuffles group debts to minimize repayments that need to happen. To enable for any group please visit “group settings”. If I’m incorrect about what you’re looking for feel free to send a note to with more details about what you’re trying to do and we’ll do our best to help! Cheers
Netting off expenses amongst group
If Alice owed Emma £10, but Emma owed Sophie £12. The app should net the amounts so that Alice pays Sophie £10 and Emma the balance of £2.
1 voteIf you’re using a group, you can do this already! Just go to your group’s settings page and enable the “Simplify debts” option under “Advanced settings”. (The setting isn’t enabled by default, because we found that it confused many people who weren’t expecting it.)
If you’re trying to do this across multiple groups, or for non-group expenses, then unfortunately we don’t currently have plans to support this. We tried something similar in the past, but found that it caused a lot of confusion when the shuffled expenses couldn’t be traced back to a single group. Apologies for any trouble!
to simplfy debt for each contact too. if a contact exists in more than one group then the expenses should get simplified between groups too.
I have friends who exist in more than one group. in these cases it's confusing because it tells I owe my friend money in one group but he owes me back money in another group. give me an option where I can see what I finally owe him after cancelling out the debts between groups since it is for the same person.
1 voteYou should be able to do this right from the friend screen – each friend will display their total balance with you across all groups. Additionally, if you make a payment to that friend for the full amount that you owe them, then we will automatically settle up all of the different groups that you share together.
However, we don’t intend to add additional features that dynamically simplify debts across multiple groups, as we’ve found in testing that it makes the user experience very confusing. (When adding 1 new expense can change your balances across multiple groups, it becomes very difficult to understand what’s happening in your account, especially when that 1 expense was added by someone else.) We apologize for the trouble!
Single person renting more than one room- rent calculator
I share one room with my partner and rent one room as a workspace. The calculator seems to assume one person/room, unless renting as a couple. I am not sharing the communal spaces as two people but as one person! Explaining this to housemates doesn't seem straightforward.
1 voteThanks for the feedback! There should be a “Room shared by two people” checkbox when you go through the calculator, though it’s tucked away in the “Other factors” section.
1 vote
You can move an expense from a friendship into a group (or vice versa) by following these steps:
1. Tap/click to edit the expense
2. Tap/click where it says ‘No Group’ on the edit a bill form
3. Select the group you’d like to move the expense to from your list of groups -
Let the user choose the settled up contacts to display in the main screen or hide the settled up contacts.
Suppose a contact is settled up then hide the contact on the main screen
1 voteHello! After you’ve been all settled up with someone for 30 days, Splitwise will autohide them from view. You can see old, settled contacts and groups by tapping the “tap to show old settled friends/groups” button in the app. We may consider adding a manual hide feature in the future.
good apps
good apps
1 voteThanks! :)
this app rocks
This is literally the best app I've ever used. It's so straight forward and helpful for a big group of people. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
1 voteThanks! :)
1 vote
You can now add friends via QR code!
You can find your QR code by tapping the Account tab on iOS, or by tapping the menu icon on Android.
Splitwise is by far the best app I have ever used to manage by expenses. It is easy to use and manage. Team Splitwise keep up the good work.
1 voteThanks :)
0 votes
0 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! Right now, if you’re settled up with someone and have had no activity with that person for more than 40 days, we hide them in your balance lists.