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985 votes
An update: we’re still not planning to add the concept of a payment for a specific bill or a specific expense. We’ve left this idea under review for many years, but we’re not convinced it’s the right idea for Splitwise. We think focusing on a total balance makes things simpler in most cases. This is also how a bank balance works.
Here’s two potential work-arounds if you’re not satisfied:
1. Let’s say you want to set things up so you can see if people have specifically paid for a certain bill, or for a certain month of expenses. You can create a group just for that bill or month – then, when viewing that group, you will only see balances owed from that specific bill or set of bills.
2. Once you pay an amount and want to keep track of it being for a certain bill, you could use…
Anonymous supported this idea ·
41 votes
Thanks for the suggestion – I can see how that would be useful! Our travel calculator ( does something like this, so it is a problem we’ve thought about before, though not exactly in this way. I’ll pass on your idea and add it to our list of possible future updates.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
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10 votes
I think the option of having reminders as the form of a blank expense that you have to fill out is an interesting way to remind someone to pay a bill.
We are planning on being able to add an amount to a direct expense (so you can track if that cable bill got paid or not, and who shelled out for it).
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This original suggestion would make this service 100000x more helpful. Everyone that I know is looking for a way to track all of their bills. Now that people pay so many of their bills online, it's very, very difficult to know if I've paid the DirecTV bill that charges me one month ahead of time, the gas bill that charges me one month later, and the Water bill that charges me after every two months. Please, please, please allow us to assign a billing period for each bill with blank charges when a bill has not yet been entered into splitwise. I have the same 4 or 5 charges every month and I'd love to be able to use Splitwise to track 1. if I've paid them, 2. if I've been reimbursed for them. As it is now, I have to enter the date billing period on each bill that I pay (e.g. 11/14/13 - 12/16/13 Time Warner Cable). And then I randomly assign it a date in the middle of that period. If Splitwise would make this change I know 10 people who would immediately start using it. It would solve a huge problem that people have.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
Anonymous shared this idea ·
153 votes
Updating this as it’s been a while. You can currently accomplish this by setting your expense to recur every month and then editing the amount on the expense once it posts.
Apologies that we don’t have a better way of managing this yet!
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This shouldn't be that difficult. Just make it so that the bill recurs but has no cost associated with it. Ideally, it would send an email to notify, but even without that notification, it would still be way, way easier to use than it is now. Managing my account is a nightmare because I have 5 recurring bills that all have different costs every month. I never know if I've remembered to enter Time Warner's bill from 2 months ago or my electric bill for last month. If I were able to have monthly recurring charges, it would be easy for me to look back and see the months where I haven't yet entered the cost of the bill. This would make this product 10000x more useful to roommates who are managing bills.
I agree! Splitwise needs some sort of system for assigning bills to certain periods on a calendar. I would definitely pay for this feature!