My feedback
2 results found
350 votes
Thanks Jesse, couldn’t agree more. In fact, I’m up-voting this too :) As the Splitwise team’s big Android fan, I keep having to ask my friends to go download Plates so we can use it. Plates for Android is definitely something we want to do, but we’re juggling a ton of priorities on the core app on both iPhone and Android right now. But for sure it’s on our minds, and thanks for submitting the suggestion!
- Jon
Frank supported this idea ·
3 votes
Thanks for the feedback. I don’t think this is something we’re likely to do, but I’ll leave this up and see if it gets a lot of support. We do have requests to add names to plates in the app and tapping on each plate will show a breakdown of the total at the end, which seems like it would handle this use case.
Frank shared this idea ·