My feedback
4 results found
112 votes
Whoops, we’re still considering this idea. It does sounds like a useful improvement in the add expense form.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
955 votes
We just added a very basic calculator function to our web app, so you can now use basic mathematical operations when entering a cost (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). We hope to add similar features to our mobile apps at some point in the future!
Anonymous supported this idea ·
647 votes
We’re definitely considering Bitcoin! We think cryptocurrencies are fascinating (seriously, we’ve held a Providence meet-up about them), and it’s something on our list of possible improvements for the future.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
8 votes
Bitcoin is not often used on Splitwise but we would like our currency handling to be better as some currencies do not even have decimal points and some countries use commas. We’ll add this to the list of ways to make currencies more flexible but it’s not possible to say at this time when we’ll be able to implement it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous supported this idea ·
Definitely need this. See Ridzhuan's comment for a workaround.