My feedback
3 results found
133 votes
Updating our response since it’s been a long time since the idea was opened. Even though saving the type of unequal split feels like something that would obviously be nice to have (I certainly would use it myself every so often), it requires a change to our data structures, and is therefore a bunch of difficult work to fix, especially since it would need to be fixed separately across iPhone, Android, and web.
If you have a specific use case where not having this feature is really bothering you a lot, please email, or comment below to let us know why it’s important to you. The original poster’s meal example is clear and I’m wondering if there are other reasons why it is needed, or any easier way for us to fix it.
In terms of the priorities of our small team, most bills on Splitwise are split…
Frederick supported this idea · -
22 votes
We’re not currently planning any significant changes to the itemized bill form, though I do see how this could be useful. I’ll pass on the suggestion, and see if we want to add it to our list of future improvements.
Frederick supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment -
419 votes
Storing bank account #s is unfortunately tricky, as there are some serious security concerns around bank #s here in the US and in some other countries. Still, we’d like to do it if possible. It’s not on our roadmap yet, but we’re definitely considering it for the future.
Frederick supported this idea ·
Would be a big improvement.
Suppose I have a bill where An had 2 Cola's and Bob just 1, then I do not want to have to split that into two lines and having to calculate how much a cola costs. Which is what I have to do now.
And indeed would also help a lot in case of couples.